I want to quit porn

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Zora, Nov 12, 2017.

  1. Zora

    Zora New Fapstronaut

    I am to addicted to it from soft to hardcore now. I want to quit it really bad and even masturbating. Help.me.. give me some task.
    ImQuittingNow likes this.
  2. Kexas23

    Kexas23 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Start with a plan to get you to stop PMO. I now meditate everyday and it has reduced my urges to PMO.
    ImQuittingNow likes this.
  3. ImQuittingNow

    ImQuittingNow Fapstronaut

    Create a plan on how you're going to quit porn.

    1.Understand why you want to quit porn.
    2. Figure out your triggers (what causes your urges (certain videos, being alone in your room, etc.) Avoid those triggers or be mentally prepared when your in one of those situations
    3. Understand why you give in to porn (is it because your missing something in your life, has it just become a habit at this point, etc.)
    4. Create a lifestyle in which you can live happy without porn (porn takes up time in your life so filling that time with things that you want to achieve or enjoy is crucial)
    5. Don't beat yourself up - Quitting will take many tries and some people will feel like they beat porn after 2 weeks and for others it'll take months. It's not a linear path and it's different for everyone. Be proud that you're trying to better yourself.

    Also just don't touch your penis. You'll really stop caring a lot less about masturbation and porn when you try to at least avoid it at all costs.