I want to change

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by John Connor, Dec 25, 2016.

  1. John Connor

    John Connor Fapstronaut

    Hi! I have been addicted to porn for last 6 years. I realized 2 years ago that this is ruining my life so much. I have tried really hard to get rid of it but the thoughts come back again. This year, I stopped watching twice; once for 1 month and other 45 days but I get back to same routine. I have big dreams in life and this is only thing which stops me from achieving.

    Today, I will be beginning to reboot again. I just wish that this time, I keep up to my decisions. I hope that everyone who is struggling here gets free of this addiction and have a great life of heath, wealth, love and happiness.

    Wish me luck.
  2. Daniel;

    Daniel; Guest

    Welcome, man!:)

    Addiction is something that slowly changes an individual, holding back his real potential.

    I'm sure that this journey will help you in achieving your big dreams.

    Good luck!:D
    John Connor, D . J . and AndySky180 like this.
  3. AndySky180

    AndySky180 Fapstronaut

    Yep. I do wish you luck and every success. You have made a great start. Call out if you need help with anything. Cheers!
    D . J . and John Connor like this.
  4. IGY

    IGY Guest

    How come you only started watching porn aged 20, John?
  5. John Connor

    John Connor Fapstronaut

    I used to be in school hostel during my high school. No cellphones and computer allowed. I was also going through personal problems in my life. And I used to look ugly because I was very thin.. Underweight. When I went to college, suddenly I had access to laptop and unlimited internet and I was watching like crazy. Even though I made effort and went to gym and gained a lot of weight, I couldn't get rid of this because I didn't realize that it is affecting my life. Most of my friends used to watch it so I thought it was normal. During my evolution, I started having big goals but unable to achieve them I realized this is all which is causing problems.. And because of this I never had a girlfriend and I'm still a virgin.. I just want to end this forever
    D . J . likes this.