I wanna be happy...... please tell me what to do

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by iwannabehappy, Apr 5, 2021.

  1. iwannabehappy

    iwannabehappy Fapstronaut

    I didn't know what I saw.... When I was 11.... I did everything to un see it for some reason....... But I got hooked when I was 13..... Maybe then loneliness hit me because I knew it's value..... I knew it was bad .... It was killing me..... I didn't like any bit of it.. I was also hypocritic about it with my friends telling them that I hate those people who watch it... After alot of suicide thought s and depression I decided to stop ... At 15 ... And I did .... For 1 month .... I was so happy that 1month I had everything from confidence to contentment.... But I don't know what happened........ I had this voice that kept coming I usually talked it down but this time it was a battle going on .... My hand did something while my mouth mutter to stop... It's like I was molested but I was the molester .... I don't cry alot... But that time I didn't just cry I hurted my self .... Please I don't know .... The voice is telling me that it's my happiness and I will always be an addict.... I am scared .
  2. swordmaster

    swordmaster Fapstronaut

    Happiness doesn't exist.
    Some tips to feel good about yourself:
    Go search for things to do which you genuinely like
    Stop overthinking things
    Stay away from pmo
    Cold Showers
  3. DeeJ4y

    DeeJ4y Fapstronaut

    Is it you speaking when it says you will always be addict?
    No. It your brain trying to make you believe it, your brain is addicted since it is its job.
    Did it bring you happiness? You feel miserable so why would it make you happy?
    This is a hard addiction to kick but you can do it. Every one can, as long as they keep getting up after setbacks. God bless you.
    punch54 and iwannabehappy like this.
  4. iwannabehappy

    iwannabehappy Fapstronaut

    Explain what you mean that happiness doesn't exist
  5. swordmaster

    swordmaster Fapstronaut

    It is just a human construction. When chemicals in our brain are being released healthly and on point, or dopamine from healthy activities without a burnout happening like in addictions, we are "happy", but that's just a word to mean that we are satisfied and without problems. Satisfaction is the right word and is not a solution nor it does persist forever once "found". It is not a state like a transcendent state like some people think. It is very fleeting, we are creatures of change and variety, there's no helping that.
    If you find things that would make you happy and indulge in them, the way we are programmed, that "happiness" would fade in over some days because the more we received pleasure from the same sources, the less we keep receiving that pleasure. Therefore there will come a time that even "happy", you won't be satisfied and will notice that it is just an illusion of mind.
  6. CJ_16b

    CJ_16b Fapstronaut

    Thats the point of happiness. Its a mentally stable state of being. Our emotions are like a wave. Happiness is at the top. Bleak depression is below.

    Creating a lifestyle that maximizes happinesses and minimizes depression is the goal of recovery.
  7. iwannabehappy

    iwannabehappy Fapstronaut

    I felt happiness I don't think it was some chemical ..... It tasted more like beauty... The leaves seem greener ,brick red seemed more brown .... I had the eyes and heart to appreciate beauty . I was happy