I started late, i want to end it now.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by dubceived, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. dubceived

    dubceived New Fapstronaut

    Im Zac, 21 y/o male,

    The first time i masturbated, i was 19,
    i was browsing the internet one night, on an image site,
    and found myself aroused by a picture of a cute girl,
    I was itchy, and it happened i was full of regret.

    I didnt do it again for a month, it was a once off and i would never do it again
    until i did, i was out of town for one weekend, in sydney for a conference.
    i was alone in my hotel, and gave in.
    Thats when it really started. once a month turned into twice a month, turned into once a week, turned into once a day.

    I would say i dont use porn more then once a week,
    But i want to give up PMO forever.

    March would mark 2 years of this addiction.

    I dont want it to define me.
    I dont want it to control me.
    I want out.

    I went 19 years without, then i threw it away.
    I've never been in a relationship, And i want to be in one
    But i dont want to start addicted to pmo.

    Thank you for listening
  2. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Welcome! You can do this. It's good that you are waking up to this early. A lot of us took a lot longer. Keep coming back.