I started composing music

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by jack_hammer, Feb 21, 2020.

  1. jack_hammer

    jack_hammer Fapstronaut

    I had a guitar for like 7 years but only now I started creating my own music. feels wonderful really,it's not as mathematically rigid as I thougt.
    im doing jazz improvisation on a bebop scale. Im learning piano/keyboard,and know how to play harmonica and ukelele and im a rookie singer.
    Chopin,Handel,...they did celibacy when working on their music. Also my tastes have changed, i used to like edgy music like slayer or cannibal corpse now I dislike the rough noise of heavy metal.
    I still enjoy gamma force and stratovarius
  2. Mr. Catwalk Runway likes this.
  3. Mr. Catwalk Runway

    Mr. Catwalk Runway Fapstronaut
