I recommend this book to EVERYONE struggling with PMO addiction (ITS FREE)

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by bdaw213, Jul 17, 2023.

  1. bdaw213

    bdaw213 Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone! I'd like to introduce everyone to this book called How to quit porn (by celibate yogi):

    (if you dont want to read the story you can download the book, EVERY LINE IN THE BOOK IS WORTH TO READ IT TAKES LIKE 1 HOUR TO FINISH IT CHANGED MY LIFE)
    what u see here below is just my short description of the book.

    I was 17 when I first discovered this book on Zlibrary, it felt like God saved me with this book, I feel very lucky to have discovered this book. The book shows how we are attached to porn and how our mind and the whole world is normalizing PMO.

    When we're horny or attached to PMO basically when we're in the addiction, our mind reinforces the idea to watch porn because it allowed the idea to get that dopamine high once and wants to be back on the rollercoaster, deep down we allowed ourselves to believe that this DOPAMINE OVERLOAD is okay for us like "It will help you relax." "It will help you get less bored." "C'mon you've been holding it back for so long it's gonna be so fun to let it out!!" BUT THE ONLY REASON WE ARE STRESSED AND BORED BECAUSE PORN, PORN IS THE THING THAT CAUSES STRESS AND BOREDOM
    these are just a few short examples,

    Celibate yogi writes down EVERY REASON why this illusion that was taught into us a long time ago is a lie, how just because we see it in media, friend groups, its not okay to PMO. But these aren't just the only content in the book.

    He explains the illusions and lie in our mind why porn is just a self harming activity that our mind always eludes us back to, thinking it will bring us salvation and happiness.

    Ask yourself this, why do you think continuing to PMO a good thing if it makes you feel stressed in the long run. You might forget this part when you move on with daily life, and thats ok!! I also did this but I had a very quick flashback to how BAD I felt when I PMO'd,

    The book shows you how you don't need "WILLPOWER" "EXERCISE" "COUNTERS" "MOTIVATIONAL VIDEOS" to get rid of this addiction, it all takes one conscious reminder that everything you thought about this porn is a lie. It's almost like beating your head against the wall just for the urges to stop. Only for the pain to come back.

    Please read the book, I attached it in this post, I share it to all of you with love, brothers. I know how terrible you feel, when I was at my worst, I had suicidal thoughts anxiety that I could not climb out of in social situations, Terrible energy and mood. I am now a completely different person now, it's almost like im talking about a different individual from a year ago.

    I shortened the pdf's name because nofap doesnt allow files that have more than 100 words in their name

    Peace, may god be with you all

    Attached Files: