i need your help to quit porn and fapping

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Aug 7, 2019.

  1. ive been watching porn and fapping for a long time and ive found out that im addicted not long ago.it was so bad to the point that once i i fapped 5 times a day.i read about the negatives of fapping on mental health also its not allowed in my religion so im trying to quit.right now i am on a 7 day nofap no porn streak i hope i can stay like that because i tried quitting alot before and everytime i relapse and when i relapse i fap alot so thats why imade this acc. i need your help to quitthis addiction and not relapse again. i didnt want to do this but this is my last resort to quitting this addiction.also i have been dealing with many mental issues like depression anxiety and low self esteem and confidence i hope quitting fapping helps my mental healthimprove.
    Strongman 125 likes this.
  2. Well done on making 7 days. Keep educating yourself about addiction, have a positive attitude and conquer yourself.
    Strongman 125 likes this.