I need to stop but its so f*cking hard!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Phil Santoro, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. Phil Santoro

    Phil Santoro Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    I need some serious advice here. I literally can't even get passed 3 days without PMO! I've tried to resist, but i keep falling back into the habit! Now i know the ususal; No peaking, find a hobby, keep yourself busy, and all that. And im not going to lie, I have peaked which is a big nono, but is there anything else that will help me stop looking at porn and PMOing? Cause will power alone does'nt do shit lol, I need some methods or something here people. Thank you!
  2. Phil Santoro

    Phil Santoro Fapstronaut

    Thanks man that article was really helpful, I appreciate it! Ill be giving everything I have read a go starting right NOW! Cheers! :D