Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by YaBoi, Aug 31, 2017.

  1. YaBoi

    YaBoi New Fapstronaut

    SO I've had this problem for quite some time. My penis is at a loss of 97-99% of sensitivity. No, it is not numb I do realize that. There's not a lot I can explain with a short summary:

    OKAY! So, I'm a pretty out of placed person. I haven't necessarily been stable all my life and that's proven to be a hindrance. I've been watching porn for quite some time now and I'm 17 years old, and I never once had any kind of problem with masturbation. For me, it was always in and out I could typically last for a while depending on the situation. Normally, 15min-1:30+hrs and just the other day I decided to go ahead and do my business. Only this time I didn't know the tragedy of numbness. Well eventually I did do my business but unlike any other day/night, this one in particular piqued my interest. The reason being that many of the sources I read online have stated that penile-glan(S) desensitization has many factors that come before it actually happens. One of those factors being sleep deprivation. I attend a high school and my schedule is set up like this:
    SCHOOL STARTS - 7:10 a.m.
    I wake up @ 5:20
    Take a shower and finish @ 5:28 a.m.
    I leave the house @ 6:30-6:35 a.m.
    Leaving the remainder of those minutes for me to do whatever. With that being said, I went through the day attempting to masturbate but eventually being stopped by sudden course of events. So, I decided that I'll just do it once everyone was asleep and I could use my laptop. Since it was a school night I'd gotten the laptop around 10-11 p.m. (I don't remember if I'd actually started @10 or @11 if not maybe @12) and I did what my humanly desires yearned for. Ignorantly, I challenged myself to masturbate longer than normal and lasted until about @2:14 a.m. leaving me a mere 3h16m until I woke for school. I went the whole day not realizing that my penis had undergone this change. I'm not even entirely sure if my penis went through any kind of significant change throughout this time period. It was when I'd return home and my urge had me venture oh so shamefully but gleeful to the bathroom. So while I was doing yet again what I came to do, no pun intended, I gradually began to realize whenever I gently rubbed my glans that I had experienced no type of satisfaction. I brushed it off and waited until I climaxed and it was then I knew something wasn't right. I of course researched and got very vague and brief answers. Some of the articles being from 2004 regarding reverse cirumcision and health oil. OH FYI I AM IN FACT CIRCUMSIZED & also began masturbating between 11-13yrs old, I really do hope this isn't long term.

    That's what I posted on some forums that I figured could help. It's been three weeks and there has been no help from anyone. I heard about this site #nofap and I was happy to see there were people who actually responded. I went to a urologist, who, was completely oblivious as to what I was describing. I was using the wrong terminology I figured.
    For instance I would say something like:
    "My penis has been numb" rather than saying "I've lost sensitivity in my penis." Because of this, he was so dumbfounded. It mad me aggravated because I was being spoken to as if I didn't know what was going on. OKAY IF IT ISNT PEYRONIES OR ANYTHING THE OLDER DEMOGRAPHIC SHOULD HAVE THEN WHY DONT YOU USE PROCESS OF ELIMINATION TO TRY AND UNDERSTAND! IF YOU KNOW SOMETHING LIKE THAT IS ABNORMAL AT A YOUNG AGE, USE CONTEXT FRIGGIN CLUES!!!!
    •I am 17
    •I am circumsized (since birth)
    •I have relapsed these past 3 weeks for a total of roughly 7-13 times
    •My penis bends to the left but it's normal.
    •There IS NO SEVERE/MILD PAIN! Not the pain these 2008 forums talk about.
    •OCCASIONALLY! "OCCASIONALLY" PLEASE HEED MY WORDS /əˈkāZH(ə)nəlē/ OCCASIONALLY is there slight discomfort. Like a mini stab/tingle, it does make me jump however it is not some unbearable pain that I am not capable of dealing with
    •I have eye floaters
    •I have lower back pain due to bad posture
    •Parts of my body will involuntarily spasm but it's nothing like Tourette's

    •I ejaculate prematurely, over time however, it has gotten slightly better. •I can last longer every few times than the last
    •My sperm volume is minimal... •sometimes it feels watery, sometimes it is not watery but there is not a lot of it.
    •Usually there's a reaction when you masturbate where if you lightly take your hand and rub your penis will involuntarily flex, and push out any excess sperm. I noticed that the intensity of this kind of decreased probably due to my relapsing
    •If I flex my anus/penis/pelvis the area between it and my testicles also undergo a spasm.
    •if I took my finger and rubbed the left side of my penis very lightly, I feel SOME SMALL BIT of sensitivity. It's on and off it not always guaranteed as my penis moves around and adjusts to temperature
    •I may be experiencing sexual exhaustion
    •All the times I've ejaculated I've been feeling no pain nor when I pee
    At the start there was difficulty getting an erection but now it comes naturally
    •I want to get Man1Man Oil but I'm still kind of iffy
    •I just want to know WHAT I SHOULD DO!!!!!
    •My left eardrum does something much like you would if you had hiccups
    •the left side of my head feels like it's /crawlin/tingling. Sometimes but not all the time
    •I lay down A LOT, so much so that my bed has a dent in it. I'm laying down on my said as I type this
    •I forget a lot of what if what I might say (losing my train of thought due to short attention span)
    •I don't know what PMO is
    •I don't know what jelq is
    •I don't do enlargement exercises

    Please I'm desperate, I keep hearing one thing then another:
    "Oh go see a urologist" okay will do
    "Uhhhh that's uncommon in your age group" oh okay but how about looking into it deeper
    "Don't watch porn" okay
    "Watch porn and try masturbating without ejaculating" wait huh?
    "Try not to get an erection because it might be scar tissue and will take longer to heal" WAIT WHAT!?
    "Oh yeah no worries it'll take 4 months for it to heal" oh if it's healing that's great!
    "It may take however long you have been masturbating to heal" ........
    "NUTRIENTS AND VITAMINS!" =)!!!! There's something I can afford


    Will I heal?
    How do I heal?
    What do I do?
    When will I notice change?
    Do I have a tissue scar or did I damage my nerves?
    HappyDaysAreHereAgain likes this.
  2. crispy

    crispy Fapstronaut

    PMO = Porn, Masturbation, Orgasm. No PMO is our way of saying that we're cutting those out, so no PMO 90 days, not gonna watch porn, masturbate, or orgasm (which includes by method of sex as well as masturbation) for 90 days.

    The idea of this forum and many other sites in regards to nofap/no pmo is that we can reset what we've made our minds get used to over many years of rigorously masturbating and watching porn. So if the cause of your desensitization is from porn or masturbation or any combination of those two, it's possible you can revert the damage you've done by avoiding PMO.

    You probably haven't damaged your nerves and you probably don't have scar tissue. I think you'll probably heal. When you'll notice a change varies significantly case-by-case and person-to-person, but the longer you go without, the better. If you relapse (as in you cave in and fap while you're not supposed to), the best thing you can do is stop and go start nofap again asap to continue your progress.
    HappyDaysAreHereAgain likes this.
  3. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    @YaBoi, for being only 17, you are certainly aware of your body and its issues. You seem to be especially focused on the details of what you've got between your legs. It sounds like you would be well served by giving it a rest. I think a good reboot would leave you in awe of yourself. It will not be easy for you to go 90 days on faith that you are healing through the rollercoaster of strong urges and flatline. At your age it will be especially difficult to avoid thinking about sexual activity, but, the less you worry about it, the better, faster, and deeper you will heal. Find other interests, stay social, eat well, sleep long (8+ hs.), exercise, and stay active here. There is an amazing amount of helpful information here to learn from. You do not have to be the 73rd new member to ask if a wet dream is a relapse, you can read that it is not. If you do ask, we will respond.
    It would probably be good for you to start a journal in the under 20 forums and log your progress. It will help you to see how bad you were and how you are improving. It also gives others a place to respond with encouragement and suggestions.
    More than Peyronie's disease, it sounds to me like calluses. Give it a rest.
    Best of luck.