I need to change

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by lordre, Nov 18, 2015.

  1. lordre

    lordre New Fapstronaut

    After my first relationship, I've watched porn so regularly. Usually every night around 1 am. I need to stop, i need to change. I'm hating life more, and hating those around me more.
    I've seen and watched porn since about the age of 9 and i kicked the habit once, when i turned 16. But it crept back in and now the habit is back again. Unfortunately for me, i relapsed.
    Hello all, If you even cared to have read all this, hello. My goal is simple, to stop watching pornography and to stop masturbating. I am going to try to go to the new year without masturbating at all. I doubt I will be able to get there, as old habits die hard. However i feel like if i want a chance in this world, i need to stop.
    Time2Stopnow likes this.
  2. Time2Stopnow

    Time2Stopnow Fapstronaut

    Your goal may sound simple, but it will not be that simple to reach it;) But don't worry, you've come to the right place!
    You will find a lot of support and information here. Set your goals and then be strong! One step at a time. Believe in yourself! That's important.
    I read a great post today - the short version was: it's not falling down that makes you loose, it's not getting back up again.
    Go and kill these old habits! Good luck!
  3. Luke45

    Luke45 Fapstronaut

    Hello lordre!
    Welcome aboard ^^
    I find this forum wonderful, it's full of helping material and overcoming of people looking for mutual assistance. Feel free to take a look at some posts.