I need help please.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Dec 8, 2019.

  1. Hi my name is Trey and I’m 18, I’m a male. I’m suffering severe HOCD, and I need guidance.

    This is my second time suffering HOCD, the first was when I was 14-16 years old, then beat it with therapy, then another 2 years I’ve once again got it.

    The mental torment is unbearable, the smile on my face everyday is not one that is real, I hide the depression I suffer everyday, even though I’ve been called out countless times for looking sad.

    When I’m not suffering this OCD, I am known as a one of a kind people, I feel I am unique and I know there’s nobody like me out there, in the sense of my personality. I am one of the funniest kids alive and I’m the best friend you could have, I keep it real one hundred percent of the time with people and always look to pick somebody up, but I can’t manage to pick myself up.

    In my area I’m very respected, though I have been suffering I have pushed myself to levels a lot of people don’t achieve in their lifetime, I don’t say that in a cocky way, but I feel I’ve earned the right to make that statement due to my hard work. My whole life I’ve pushed myself in basketball, and in high school I received over 10 D1 scholarships. Last summer I worked every single day for 16-20 hours a day, even on July 4th and my birthday, and then the days I had little time, I went to the gym to practice.

    I also was talking to this girl, we had a relationship, she was gorgeous, her body was also insane, slim with a nice booty. Her personality matched mine and we connected great, hooking up with her was amazing. I had to end things soon after the HOCD returned, due to me becoming mentally dysfunctional and feeling that I am in denial.

    I check gay porn almost everyday, which I always find repulsive, and I feel no arousal, and when I watch women I get hard and sometimes can’t resist the urge to PMO.

    I get anxiety from just talking to guys now, and I am afraid everyday I will catch feelings for a man, or that I will have sex with a man. I have never had sexual or romantic feelings for a man my entire life, but for girls I have had countless romantic and sexual attractions.

    My work ethic only leads to a successful future with the right choices, but I fear with this mental torment, the amount of pain I can take is becoming smaller by day, and I feel it won’t be long before I take my life. I felt the same way when I first suffered, but managed to escape. My only hope is because I beat it before, but idk if I can beat it again.

    Tomorrow is that last day of the semester, then I will have a month off from school. This semester I barely managed to pull through due to my thoughts and constant compulsions, thanks to my work ethic I was able to pull through with A’s, but at the cost of a lot of all nighters and wasted time.

    This month I want to focus on myself, begin a new NoFap journey, and beat my OCD, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to. I understand you have to accept the thoughts, but sometimes they feel so real, even though I never feel arousal.

    I ruminate about this all day long, my thought patterns are crippled due to this, everything I see or hear somehow makes a connection with homosexuality. The thoughts have so much power over me, sometimes I literally just freeze and can’t move due to the strong anxiety.

    What should I do?
    Hisself likes this.
  2. Luvspin68

    Luvspin68 Fapstronaut

    Do you have a therapist? I recommend seeing a very good one.....and also consider medication.
    There are medications for OCD that can be very effective.
    You are obviously very intelligent.
    Have you talked to your parents?

    I think you should........
  3. Hisself

    Hisself Fapstronaut

    The only chance you have of overcoming this problem is by fully correlating it with porn in your mind and making the decision to quit once and for all. At that point the chances of this issue being behind you are very good. This is a very common problem among porn addicts, all of whom report it going away eventually after quitting porn as far as I am aware. You must never go back. I and many others have partially or fully recovered relatively quick but do to a cycle of reboot, relapse, binge, repeat, the process has been extended unnecessarily long and this trains your brain to hold onto those old pathways and cravings for much longer and it is called kindling. Each relapse makes it harder to quit once you have reached a level where you are suffering from these severe issues. You might get withdrawals and post acute withdrawals too which are terrible but will be made far worse if you relapse after prolonged abstinence. I believe you will move past this to a happier and more fulfilled life IF you drop it for good.

  4. I appreciate your reply, and yes I do have a therapist.

    Going to a therapist is very expensive and also makes my parents worry. When I first suffered a couple years ago I had a choice, either end my life or build the courage to finally speak up about my issue, and I picked confessing my issue.

    Medication is not something I am interested in because it can be something you need to rely on, so I rule it out, also I beat this OCD without the first time, so I feel I can do it again.

    Once again thank you for the reply.
  5. How can we be sure it’s porn addiction? A lot people suffer HOCD because their porn escalated, which was what caused me to suffer the first time. This time around there is absolutely no correlation with me and homosexuality besides the thoughts that feel real.

    I appreciate the reply.
  6. Hisself

    Hisself Fapstronaut

    You can be sure it’s porn addiction by quitting it permanently and seeing what happens.
  7. Luvspin68

    Luvspin68 Fapstronaut

    That is VERY brave of you to have revealed this to your parents.

    It sounds like you have made your decision regarding medication...BUT..... it does seem you are spiraling down to a very bad place.

    just remember, medication can really help lift you out of the funk and make your life manageable!! ( it’s not perfect or a miracle).

    I know it sounds bad to “ be on medication “ but it can literally be life saving in some instances.

    so just stay open to it. There is no shame in taking medication for an illness. Just think of it like ...... if you had high blood pressure would you be shy about taking a blood pressure medicine?

    OCD is a chemical imbalance in your brain. There is a chance a medication can correct it.

    good luck to you. I’m sorry you are in so much pain and agony. I can tell you are really suffering.
  8. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    Hello friend.

    This anxiety is almost certainly a symptom of porn abuse. It is very easy, and increasingly common, for 100% straight guys to become interested in, aroused by, and then consumed by gay porn. For those in the LGBTQ community, the same phenomena arises often, but with straight porn!

    I highly suggest checking out this article from Your Brain on Porn (YBOP). Besides being the leaders in porn addiction and PIED studies, the YBOP people are really headlining the research of porn shifting sexual tastes.

    I’m straight, but attracted to transsexual or gay porn (or gay attracted to straight porn). What’s up?

    Based off your posts in this thread (obvious not your whole life story, I may be wrong), and since you seem urgent and stressed, I will give my thoughts on your sexuality: You are not gay.

    You just seem to have classic HOCD. I can just repeat everything that YBOP says, but that would just waste time.

    For a long time, I thought I was gay or only attracted to women with penises. However, using YBOP's tools, I was able to determine my true attractions. I still get urges and cravings, but I am very good at determining if they are innate or caused by porn. I know you said that the HOCD arose without porn this time, but if it came from porn the first, this is the same problem. Though you think you got rid of it, there were lingering pathways in your brain wired to gay porn, which got much stronger after your relapse.

    I used to have terrible PIED and cravings for gay/bi porn. I did a reboot, rewired with my gf, and didn't even think about porn for months. However, the cravings still came back, even without porn. It takes much longer than you think for porn to leave your system.

    To really clear the HOCD from your system, you need to do a reboot, rewire with a partner, and then develop a healthy sex life that does not include any porn.

    I also recommend looking at these articles from YBOP. The more you know, the more you can determine your problem, and the more you can fight it. The first article is a general one about porn and the brain, the second is an FAQ list, and the rest are one's I believe apply specifically to you.

    Evolution has not prepared your brain for today’s porn
    Porn FAQs
    Is my fetish porn-induced?
    rebooting basics page
    What benefits do people see as they reboot?
    What about fantasizing during a reboot?
    Is porn making my social anxiety/confidence/depression/anxiety/OCD/bipolar worse?
    I quit using porn and now I feel worse. Is this normal?
    How do I know when I’m back to normal?
    Educating your therapist
    Does it help to view porn use as immoral?
    Why did my porn use escalate?
    Does porn addiction cause irreversible damage to the brain?
    Why do porn cues still trigger a rush (sensitization)?
    Studies linking porn use to poorer mental-emotional health & poorer cognitive outcomes
    Why am I addicted while my friends are not?
  9. Hey man, I appreciate your reply.

    I have actually already seen most of the articles you tagged in, and read them.

    I’m no longer aroused by gay pornography at all, after your reboot are you still feeling urges to PMO to gay porn?
  10. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    I am not feeling urges for explicit gay porn, although that was not the genre of porn I was hooked on. I was very transfixed by other types of porn, which made me question my sexuality and gender.
  11. Hey man I really appreciate this reply. I really hope you return and see this and reply again.

    So just to clear up any confusion, I do not get aroused not do I have a fetish for gay pornography, I did many years ago, 3 years ago to be exact.

    Watch you describe is literally exactly what I did. I would try to go on streaks without PMO, and would go on a good streaks for about 15-20 days at a time, and I would relapse to exclusively women, and sometimes even just pictures. Over the span of a year of doing this, all the gay shit was gone, and my attraction to girls had returned full force. I have been fine for 2 and a half years of PMO to exclusively straight porn and I have escalated again into incest fetish, but it’s definitely not as bad as the gay shit.

    I am no longer plagued by a fetish by the gay porn, but I am plagued by the fact that I WAS plagued by it, and that means I must be gay. This is what my OCD is forming over.

    When you stated that I must understand that what I went through was a symptom of my porn addiction, that is the way, along with abstinence form PMO. I am slowly beginning to accept that my addiction at such a young age was the reason that gay porn jumped into my life, and I believe it’ll take a lot more time.

    Perhaps after another month of no PMO, I’ll feel better. If I go only 4-5 days without PMO, I’ll get rock hard just looking at pictures of milfs.

    Once again I am no longer aroused or feel an urge to pmo to anything gay related, and I have tried to force it but I just can’t do it. Also once again I beat it through the method you wanted me to do.

    I am happy that you made your reply, because I never see anybody who went through that type of recovery process and seeing that you did makes me feel a lot more comfortable and understand my situation more.

    Do you think I should completely abstain now or try to remove the incest fetish. I personally believe I should just abstain cause the fetish isn’t that strong, what do you think?
  12. Hisself

    Hisself Fapstronaut

    Abstain and let your brain heal and rewire. Pmo increases anxiety and could very well be contributing to this ocd. Also educate yourself on the neuroscience of porn addiction and escalation. You escalated into genres that do not match your innate sexual preferences, this is very common and there is research on it. Even if you aren’t watching it now you still risk escalating into other genres by continuing to watch porn and you risk developing sexual dysfunction or mood disorders. Either way abstain.
  13. LonelyStranger2020

    LonelyStranger2020 Fapstronaut

    I’ve hit rock bottom. Incest porn destroyed me. I have this huge guilt and shame. I live with only my mum and younger sister who is about 25.

    mom and son clips pmo really destroyed me. I have abstained from pmo fully for about 9 + months now. But at home I’m going through severe mental problems.

    I don’t like my mum around me, I don’t want to hear her voice or see her. I freak out. I am always feeling anxious, I can’t take my mind of my mum etc.

    Please could someone help me in what to do or how I can cure this.

    Everytime I see my mum I feel guilty etc. So much more. I feel deceived by porn. Wish I could start all over again.

    Iv been home and I don’t go out for the past 8 months. My mum is always worried about me, she brings my food up to me etc. Something has happened to my mind and I need some help.

    I don’t wish this upon anyone. Please ask me questions If you have to. I just desperately need a method or help.
  14. LonelyStranger2020

    LonelyStranger2020 Fapstronaut

    Furthermore, Iv realised I feel shy around my mum and very anxious. That’s my MUM and I want to be able to sit next to her with ease comfort etc. Someone help please.