I have no control over my body and it scares me

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Sep 23, 2018.

  1. Today it's my day 3 of the 60 days challenge, I am a bit uncomfy today compared to yesterday. I have a bad habit that when I'm home my left hand always goes to my crotch even am not aware of it and it plays with my thing.. it's so scary, when I'm aware that am doing something to myself and I was unaware of it, it makes me scared. I have been masturbating for last 9 years since I was 16 now am 23, I have to stop, I can feel my brain has become dull and I forget things to do all the times.. I am scared I want to be better.
    | Nico | and palindromo like this.
  2. Pinetree

    Pinetree Fapstronaut

    If you really are not aware of what your hand is doing, put a big glove on your hand or even better a mitten.

    I know it sounds weird, but it's not a joke, try this for few weeks while you are at home alone, it might be helpful to improve your awareness.
    ☯ Shiv ☯ likes this.
  3. Okay I will try it, but I'm from India it's already 31 C outside wearing a glove is mendokusai
    | Nico | and palindromo like this.
  4. Pinetree

    Pinetree Fapstronaut

    Oh, my, haven't thought about that :)

    Well, try and find something that works, it doesn't even have to be a glove, it can be some piece of rag or cotton that you wrap around your hand.
  5. I will surely do it already found my gloves xD eeeehhhh embarrassing thanks for the advice
    | Nico | and palindromo like this.