I guess it's about the time to get control of my life

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Ser1ous, Oct 19, 2021.

  1. Ser1ous

    Ser1ous New Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone I am 17 y old and I have been watching porn for 2 yrs now, however the frequency of it was very less for the first year and half I didn't even feel any of its bad effects. But now it has gotten worse, as a student it's my first priority to perform well in academics and I have been doing so for the last 10 yrs but now the things have changed drastically, my studies are totally screwed I can't even focus for an hour. If this Continues I can feel that it will take on my mental toll very badly.
    For my love of studies and to function as a normal human I want to quit this porn addiction.
    I have already tried abstaining from it however my longest streak was 22 days, I always lose my streak, I don't want to build streaks I want to make it my lifestyle.
    ephraimson, Spontifex and sarafina like this.
  2. Hello @Ser1ous, great you've found your way here. I am sure you will meet buddies around your age or older that can support you and give advice. Best is you stick around, read and share and work on recovery one day at a time. Congratulations for your 22 day streak, that is awesome. And speaking of losing your streak. Don't get defeated. Recovery is not a linear process. It is not that you wake up one day, decide to stop and just quit your addiction for once and good. The thing is your body needs time, your brain needs time to readjust. Main thing is don't give up and grow in understanding and strength, focus on your studies, focus on habits that support your recovery, watch your thoughts, observe your urges, they will pass. Find out what happens before a relapse, usually a relapse starts days or hours before the acutal acting out. That is indulging in fantasies, peeking here and there, even fighting it can produce a momentum that in the end will win. Become a scientist and watch your motives, your way of thinking and meanwhile focus on your studies. Imagine the man you want to be in 2 years from now. Imagine the achievement you want to get with your studies, visualise it and feel it. How does it look, how does it feel when you are the best version of yourself :). Stay strong and grow in strength. Work on recovery, one day at a time.
    Ser1ous likes this.
  3. ephraimson

    ephraimson Fapstronaut

    Spontifex likes this.
  4. lala_

    lala_ Fapstronaut

    I suggest you to switch to erotic novels
    It worked with me (maybe because I’m a woman and our sexuality is basically our psychology but still I would give it a try)
  5. Ser1ous

    Ser1ous New Fapstronaut

    Thanks man, I will surely try to observe my thought and keep them in check but sometimes they go wild u know hat I mean
    Spontifex likes this.
  6. Yes, I know what you mean, thoughts can go wild :) That's why it is important not believing them. They are thoughts that the addicted part of the brain produces. Do not engage in the story, learn to watch them, observe them and don't give them the chance to gain in momentum or the energy will build up then the fighting starts and .... most likely you will fall. At least I did always when stepping into that trap.