I Fucked Up Badly..

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by YektaEymen, Jun 13, 2019.

  1. YektaEymen

    YektaEymen Fapstronaut

    So.. the last time i said "The masturbation for me is over" its wasn't the end because i keep going masturbate every day. today is the 50th days and im still masturbating. I just masturbated 5 mins ago and now writing this i dont know what to do but its really hard to not masturbate. because its a addiction and leaving from a addiction is realy hard i fucked up 50 times. Today im starting all over again. And im saying fuck you masturbation im keeping all my cum for a real sex not for my hand so fuck you addiction its over. I will gonna start to write every hour from now. See y'all in the finish line.
  2. YektaEymen

    YektaEymen Fapstronaut

    and i think my tracker is broken.
  3. NikNakZombieWhack

    NikNakZombieWhack Fapstronaut

    Don't focus on how many times you've failed. Most of is have relapsed at least once. Hell, I wrote some nice, awesome, "I'm doing it!" post here, and relapsed that night. Shit happens. You're not going to get anything from dwelling on any of it.

    So get up, brush off, and move on. Everyday is a challenge, but each day will get a tiny bit easier. The thing with withdrawals is you have to nip them in the bud sooner than later. Don't sit on the couch and wait it out, or engage in mental gymnastics with yourself. Get your ass up and go take a cold shower. Go eat something. Get out of the house, put yourself in a social situation, pick up more hours at work, go to the gym. The sooner you recognize a withdrawal and relapse coming, the sooner you can and should act against it.

    Frodo didn't just walk the ring into Mordor and destroy it. He was burdened, hunted, taken advantage of, lied to, attacked. Gollum deceived him, and the ring itself nearly had Frodo turn a few times. But he also wasn't alone. Frodo fought, Sam fought, Mary and Pippin fought, Aragorn, Gimly & Legolas fought, Gandalf fought. All for Frodo to accomplish his goal and destroy his burden.

    The greatest battles are fought in the mind, not with the sword.
  4. At least you know you want to quit! That's a start! Have you discussed this with a doctor or therapist? It is a must. Wanting to quit is not enough. You must reach out for help and have a strategy. No choice. You can do it.
    YektaEymen likes this.
  5. Trust me, I get it. I've been trying to quit PMO one way or another for about three years now with nothing more than a continuous stream of streaks of between a week and twenty days to show for it. It takes time. Just think of it this way, every day you live without PMO is a step in the right direction, regardless of if you slip up.

    Don't think of it in terms of this great journey you have to undertake. Think of it in terms of today. Don't dwell on the past because you can't change it, and don't spend all your time obsessing over the future because then you're missing the present. Live for today.

    So for today, make the right choice and decide not to watch porn or masturbate.

    Stay strong, man! I believe you can do this! :D
  6. NikNakZombieWhack

    NikNakZombieWhack Fapstronaut

    Well fuckin said, my dude.
    YektaEymen likes this.
  7. YektaEymen

    YektaEymen Fapstronaut

    Thanks ma dude! I will gonna try my best.
  8. YektaEymen

    YektaEymen Fapstronaut

    Nope, i didn't discussed it with a doctor or therapist. But i will if i feel like i need it. Thanks.
  9. YektaEymen

    YektaEymen Fapstronaut

    We'll gonna do this man. Im believing myself and all of ma dudes who's trying to quit this shit.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. YektaEymen

    YektaEymen Fapstronaut

    So btw i did a really hard workout today. My muscles cant work anymore, i cant use my hands SO that means if i continue to do this workout my hands n arms dont have the energy for my PENIS! xd
  11. bfdet

    bfdet Fapstronaut

    Well, that is certainly one way of staying on track with noPMO !!! (There are other ways that can work too, but if your exercise routine works for you, great, do it !)

    One day at a time is how we all succeed.
    YektaEymen likes this.
  12. YektaEymen

    YektaEymen Fapstronaut

    We're all going to quit from this addiction man im believing.