I feel like I’ve stopped using this forum for its intended purpose.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Mistersofty, Jun 7, 2020.

  1. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    It’s been awhile since I’ve put together a decent streak of pmo abstinence. I find myself just surfing this sight for unrelated topics. Its been more or less a source of entertainment at this point. How can I find the motivation that I had in the beginning?
    unslaver likes this.
  2. Stragler

    Stragler Fapstronaut

    The Bible is the motivation that keeps me focused on conquering PMO.
    unslaver likes this.
  3. Be accountable, motivation won't be needed.
    Mistersofty, Stragler and unslaver like this.
  4. Stragler

    Stragler Fapstronaut

    Definitely agree with this statement. Although having a reason to quit is the starting block. I didn’t start gaining significant ground until I found accountability.
  5. I have the exact same problem. Recently I've created a list of things I need to do every day, and successfully accomplished as many of those things as possible. This has motivated me to do even more. And I remind myself that jerking off just isn't fun anymore. Think about your future. Think about a month from now, a decade from now - and try to imagine the moments of reflection right before you die. Will you look back and feel like a piece of shit? We are all going to die very soon and we only have one chance to not fuck up. Don't fuck it up!
    unslaver and Mistersofty like this.
  6. You are allowed to fuck up. Just don't make the same mistakes more than a dozen times in life and I am sure you'll find peace on your deathbed. The notion of not straying from the magically right path will certainly fuck you up in the long run.
    Mistersofty, FellatiousD and unslaver like this.
  7. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    It depends on where you are. Instead of looking to resist PMO I say also look at motivation to do other things. What do you want to do?

    For me that's actually the only question, as it stands right now even the idea of sex isn't really that appealing for whatever reason. And I'm surfing here too but then again people in old school addiction recovery just kind of socialize sometimes - with the understanding of why they are in the group together.

    Maybe you'll find a motivation but it just won't be like you had in the beginning. And for me there's just 0 motivation towards PMO right now, so it's just irrelevant. I don't know what I want to do with the rest of my day but I can tell you that's not it. Whatever happens basically no chance, with no resistance - just no interest. If I have a day to live I'm not going to PMO level of disinterest. There's just gotta be other things even if I don't think of them right now.
    unslaver likes this.
  8. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    I think that you raise a good point here. It’s not like we have to be constantly discussing pmo addiction and strategies to overcome it. Maybe the comfort of being in the company of others who are having similar struggles is helping more than we know.
    unslaver and Deleted Account like this.
  9. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    Also you can't just rely on a handful of techniques and not look at all the other details that goes on in life. Maybe some people can go for a long time with that approach, but there's a good chance some things are too subtle and it's by keeping in mind the goal but just talking about all the stuff we have going on in our lives that we might come to an insight about how to deal with that.
    unslaver and Mistersofty like this.