I caved in... now what do I do?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by blissismyname, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. blissismyname

    blissismyname Fapstronaut

    Guys, I caved in. After around a month and 7 days, I caved, and I did it twice while watching at porn. I feel like shit. I don't wanna go back to that pattern of behavior again. I was witnessing such great changes in my life after abstaining myself from PMO. I plan on starting fresh tomorrow but I'm afraid of failing again. Is it normal to relapse? Is this shitty, guilt feeling normal? What can I do to improve and keep going and to stay strong?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. WelpImherenow

    WelpImherenow Fapstronaut

    Every relapse hurts like hell, the pain and disappointment will pass in a short amount of time. Instead of looking at your failure try to focus on the fact that you went ~37 days without PMO. Look at what led you to relapsing carefully, how were you feeling? Who were you around? Were you drinking? Etc. Examining these factors may help you reduce the likelihood of another relapse down the road. Welcome back to sobriety, stay strong.
  3. Oldham

    Oldham Fapstronaut

    I've relapsed after similar spots of time a few times.
    I learn from my mistake and move on.
    I figure it's like learning to do anything. You fail and fall before you get it right.
    The key is to learn from your mistake.