I cannot get past two days.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by bbbtroy43, Apr 8, 2014.

  1. bbbtroy43

    bbbtroy43 Fapstronaut

    I could not stop myself today and did the deed so to speak and now once again I am mad at myself. I am Ben and I am 15, and I am just really struggling with getting past two days, and I want to stop more than anything right now, but I just cannot for some reason.Can people please help me? I know this is all very vauge and such, sorry about that.
  2. johnnnnni

    johnnnnni Fapstronaut

    install a site filter in your computer. So far this is the only thing that works for me
  3. Malik Jaffar

    Malik Jaffar Fapstronaut

    Well, first you have to know what it is that triggers your desire to PMO. For example, mine would be checking out women, loneliness, and boredom. So I try to avoid all that by looking down when I see a hot girl, spending time outside either working out or just hanging at the mosque. Trust me, when you change your schedule it becomes much easier to control your urges. Two, you have to have determination to quit. You must realize that you are bringing shame upon your self and shame upon others who have close ties with you. Trust me when I say no one likes addicts. Just start from there and try to quit your own way.
  4. bbbtroy43

    bbbtroy43 Fapstronaut

    I do not always need a visual aid though.
  5. Plugger

    Plugger Fapstronaut

    Hey Ben,

    It's good to see you writing about your troubles! It will help.

    So, you can get the K9 filter on your computer. It was free when I got it a year ago. I have used it at times. What I do, is enter in a long random password like k4h6te5r3gdj. I intentionally try not to remember it either. You can give it to someone else to keep. Or, if you don't have anybody to give it to, you can write it on a tiny piece of paper and stuff it in a few library books. That way you have to ride your bike to the library to get the password. You can always cheat or find ways around it too, but don't try! Just give up and accept that you have to find a new way.

    Really, in my opinion, it's a substitute for relationships. You have to do social things on a regular basis. Spend time with people who are nice, like you! I have had up to 6 weeks, but now I am making a commitment to surrender and let it go. I am writing a list of things to do instead of PMO. Things to do instead would be:
    Go to nofap and write or read, clean my room, study something valuable, look for and do a hobby, identify things in my life that are stressing me out and think about solutions, learn about why I do what I do by reading nofap, use a journal to write my thoughts about why I do what I do and what feelings are driving me to act this way (writing can be hard, but it's so, so helpful).

    Remember, when you PMO, you are not starting over again! You are, but you know more each time! So, you are still getting better even though you fail! When you fail, look at the reasons why and make a strategy to overcome the reasons. Just keep trying, learning, writing about it and talking about it. If you don't have anybody to talk with, write about it here. We all learn from each other. We learn from you too!

    You're gonna get through this, just like me! I have learned that I cannot always decide to change, but that I can decide to join a process (like working the nofap stuff) that will change me. Keep working on nofap, reading, writing, etc. and the problems will start to let go. It's a process. You can do this! Remember - you never know what it's doing for you until you abstain. And, if you go through the suffering of stopping, you will only have to suffer in this way once. If you keep PMOing, you will suffer over and over again. Porn makes you less of a man; it makes you milktoast! :)

    Last edited: Apr 8, 2014
  6. acoolmind

    acoolmind Fapstronaut

    Being 16 and also having this problem I sort of understand where u r coming from. I decided to stop myself. One thing i do when the urges come is that I go to nofap or when I have free time I go to nofap. I also keep a separate thing for weak and strong urges. When the weak urges come I go to nofap and read or post stuff and when the strong urges come I watch a video on ted talk on YouTube. These videos help a lot. Hope this helps.
  7. Madrileño

    Madrileño Fapstronaut

    Hi Ben - being 15 is tough - hormone raging - lots of pressure - still working out who you are - I remember. However, everyone who at least got to 16 was 15 once so we've all been there. Some things get easier with age but some things get harder - or at least don't resolve in the way you'd like.

    I am now in my mid 50s and have struggled with PMO all of my adult life and I think only now am finally getting free. I would encourage you to get as informed as you can about what's going on. Look at Your Brain on Porn and especially the following link


    Then realise you are in a battle. This is war and you are the battlefield. Try to think not only on the moment you find yourself in now but the man you want to be in 10 years time - or 20, 30, 40 etc. You are forming your future self every moment and have choices as to who that person is going to be. Make your current self someone you'll be proud of in 10 years time. Go for it!
  8. manfredswang

    manfredswang Fapstronaut

    Hey dude, it's tough being 15 and doing this, so good on you for trying. Don't beat yourself up too much.
    But anyway, just trying keep busy somehow. And keep surrounding yourself with people. Try volunteering for as many tasks as possible. Maybe join a sports team, help out your siblings with homework, help your parents out around the house, get a part time job. Get into as many situations as possible where you aren't alone and have to focus on someone or something else.
  9. bbbtroy43

    bbbtroy43 Fapstronaut

    Let me give you a bit more info, I do play sports, my only brother is off at college in the UK, I work hard at school and at home with chores, I am pretty busy, I just find time sometimes and I relapse, any other ideas?