I’m addicted to porn

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Prettyricky.96, Oct 31, 2022.

  1. Prettyricky.96

    Prettyricky.96 Fapstronaut

    I will honestly answer no to all those questions. I do not exercise at all so I am not fit and I am not muscular. I also am underweight because I am not eating really well and no, I don’t take drugs. Ever since my brother and I moved out of our parents house last year it’s been really hard for me to be able to go to the gym to get fit, gain some weight and eat healthy. I attribute the lack of motivation to do any of that to PMO, so starting next year, like in March I will go ahead and join a gym and start a meal plan to start gaining weight and gain muscle.
    henryhill likes this.
  2. FocusIsLove

    FocusIsLove Fapstronaut

    Hi, I don't have time to write a longer post, but since it seems you are recently getting into the idea of a porn free life/sexual health, I am going to share a video series that I found really helpful in giving me a grasp on what I was experiencing, and how & in what ways porn was involved. Hope that it is some benefit. Also I hope that you are able better your life by taking these steps.

    Prettyricky.96 likes this.
  3. Pauley

    Pauley Fapstronaut

    I can really recommend exercise. It boosts your natural testosterone and your mood. Maybe start with something that is not so complicated? Go out for a run, it's free. Do a push up challenge e.g. 100 push ups every day. Or start with calisthenics if you have a little sports zone in your living area (pull up bar required, you can do tons of exercises on that thing).
    henryhill and Prettyricky.96 like this.
  4. Prettyricky.96

    Prettyricky.96 Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much, I will take a look at the video
    henryhill likes this.
  5. Prettyricky.96

    Prettyricky.96 Fapstronaut

    Thanks, I really want to start doing some exercise next year like joining a gym. I also want to put on some weight so I’ll start to eat healthier and I’m pretty excited for all that. The thing is that I’m always pretty tired to wake up earlier to go on a run :/
    henryhill likes this.
  6. lostguy

    lostguy Fapstronaut

    Get a chinup bar and put it in the doorway of your room. Position it so it's at your head level. This way you can't ignore it. Each time you walk in and out of your room, you'll have to duck under the bar. Chinups are a great way to get in shape quickly and build muscle. Pullups are much harder so don't worry about those in the beginning.
    Do a rep of chinups each morning when you get out of bed. 10 should be the goal, but just do as many as you can. After you do your chin-ups, take 5-10 seconds, then do as many push ups as you can. Don't worry if its just one or two. Your muscle will build fast this way. And you'll be really tired. Which means your brain won't be looking for hyperstimulating PMO. Do the same thing at night. And just go from there.
    Prettyricky.96 likes this.
  7. Prettyricky.96

    Prettyricky.96 Fapstronaut

    Thank for the advice, it sounds fun
  8. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    If you drink salt water you remain thirsty. Porn is the same.
    Prettyricky.96 and Pauley like this.