Hurt and weak

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by aloneonarope, Nov 16, 2016.

  1. aloneonarope

    aloneonarope Fapstronaut

    Hey its been a while since ive posted and since then, ive broken up with my girlfriend who was also my best friend. Its been a tough time dealing with the loneliness and ive been watching porn and drinking alcohol to deal with the stress of life which includes school as well. I have found this challenge quite hard and had one streak of 36 days and a few of a week or more in the past two years since I started this challenge. I admit that for the past 8 months I have not believed I was able to do this. I am going to give it another shot. I hope you guys can give me some good advice to help this little flame catch some fire. It has been a tough struggle the past 6 months. My best friend died,the breakup and my father had a brain anyeurysm and is doing much better but for 3 months his status was unclear, ranging from death to serious brain damage. He is almost completely better now to add some positivity to this post.

    Thanks alot guys
    I Free I, badeae1 and Frühlingstimme like this.
  2. Frühlingstimme

    Frühlingstimme Fapstronaut

    nothing but the best for you, man. Let's kill this monster.
    aloneonarope likes this.
  3. aloneonarope

    aloneonarope Fapstronaut

    one hack at a time. lets do it.
  4. spence

    spence Fapstronaut

    We can conquer this man.
    aloneonarope likes this.
  5. Handzfree

    Handzfree Distinguished Fapstronaut

    AOAR.. Dude, you've been through some really stressful stuff. Things that make even the strongest person cringe. I'm glad your dad's gonna be ok. Not a whole lot of people survive a brain aneurysm.

    Make sure you're taking care of yourself physically and emotionally... with good things - things that bring you peace and satisfaction. I can appreciate the desire to self-destruct. Porn, alcohol, drugs, binge eating.. been there, done that - got the T-shirt.

    I wish you the best. Believe in yourself and think the best of yourself. I lost a very close friend about a year ago and it still hurts. Life is good even in bad situations.

    Cheers HF!
    aloneonarope likes this.
  6. aloneonarope

    aloneonarope Fapstronaut

    yes we can! thanks for the love.
  7. aloneonarope

    aloneonarope Fapstronaut

    thanks brother for this touching response. i have been working out consistently and now trying to get more in touch with nature as well as been meditating once a day. Thank you! You stay strong as well. Love will live another day.
  8. Handzfree

    Handzfree Distinguished Fapstronaut

    You're doing all the right things. Stay with it. There will be good and tough times. I have no doubt you can do 40 days. I'm starting all over after a recent bought of self pity that got me no where. My best streak was 150 days. I don't say that to beat my chest... I only want to encourage you to stay the course.

    When it comes to caving in, just so no.... actually say hell no!

    Cheers, HF
    badeae1 and aloneonarope like this.
  9. nmohammedxyz

    nmohammedxyz Fapstronaut

    Same here man... Many downs little ups. I am fighting.. Like for the past three years.. Tomo once again I am starting. All the best for us all.
    aloneonarope likes this.
  10. aloneonarope

    aloneonarope Fapstronaut

    Good job man! Its a journey, youre here now. Be proud of that 150 day streak and keep moving. Im here if you need anything.
    badeae1 likes this.
  11. Feris

    Feris Fapstronaut

    I feel you Brother. 2Months ago, my Grandma died, who was also like a "Dad", cuz i only had her and my mother. School grades are fucked up', got trouble with the police, downs from my overdose Drug-Sessions i had last year up to 3months ago aand the PMO thing... Well, Life can do you bad sometimes. Broke up with my Girlfriend because the PMO thing and well, my underweight talk for itself. Just sayin, i can feel you bro! Try now to focuss, even its hard. Just believe in yourself, talk to you every moring you wont let the thoughts and feelings handle you, YOU will handle your thoughts and feelings. Sry for my bad english, but i hope the Message comes through. Best wishes for the future. Stay Strong!
    aloneonarope likes this.
  12. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

  13. aloneonarope

    aloneonarope Fapstronaut

    Hear your message loud and clear brother! That is really tough man and Im glad youre here now. You will get past this. We will get past this. Gotta stay focused as you say and keep our heads above the dumb shit that wants to pull us down. LETS DO THIS SHIT! LETS GO!