how to make your no PMO streak last longer

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by k/haled, Oct 21, 2016.

  1. k/haled

    k/haled Fapstronaut

    hello guys how are you doing? i hope you are all doing well ,
    so i've watched this show where they received aguest who had experience with porn addiction and he gave some good tips about how to quit porn ,and i'm going to give you the essence of his tips .

    well he said that when start looking for porn you maybe not just not in your
    full conscious so there will be that one momment when notice that you are breaking your own streak what you should do then you should turn off the device that you r using if it's a phone through away if it's a.laptob pull the screen down if it's a pc unplug the cable the step two call a friend that you have already told about your addiction or incase of fapstruants just call your AP and then leave the house at once go some where you think and when you are 100% calm go back home and do some activities or just sleep the most important thing is to avoid any thing that can be used to watch porn .

    that's all and he also gave some known advices like keep yourself occuipied and practice sports

    this all for now sorry for my accent English isn't my native language and sorry for making it too long i hope this was helpful to you