How to make someone quit on an addiction?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Ray Breslin, Jul 9, 2015.

  1. Hey guys,
    Big problem here.Someone in family is suffering from a big addiction that is not PMO or anything sexual.It's alcohol.That person is very near and dear to me.However no matter what anybody says to that person or no matter what happens to that person,they are not willing to quit it.To that person its something that's helping them cope with the various stress of life including the financial area (which is only getting worse).I've tried almost everything from talking to taking that person to AA support group (That person did not go after the first time with me) to even punching that person once(It was a sticky situation that demanded it).It's like they don't see that it's what been making their life hell from the past 25 years(Yes,it's been 25 years since that person has been drinking).That person has also screwed their personal life,business,health over it but they just don't see it!Like a blind person!I'm not comfortable with sharing who "that person" is.I don't want them to die but i frankly don't know what else to do.I've tried every thing and almost anything.Nothing works.I don't want to quit on that person but i don't know what else to do.

    I really don't know what to do.I really love that person.Can i make that person quit when they themselves don't want to?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 9, 2015
  2. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    A suggestion is to go away a little and work on something for yourself when you work on yourself it will benefit them as you are connected. You could visit occasionally.
  3. What can persuade people to quit any addiction can be found in detail in my journal, but what I would advise is simply to make him read a science textbook, which will develop his reasoning skills and scientific rationality.
  4. netchina

    netchina Fapstronaut

    You can do nothing help that person,but you can do something for yourself.
  5. I don't think it will be that simple.The person in question holds a bachelors and masters in Biology.He's had this problem for 25 years,i don't think reading a book will change him suddenly.
  6. Icyweb

    Icyweb Fapstronaut

    If you haven't tried it already, you could do an intervention. Gather that person's loved ones together in a group, and all of you share how the alcoholism has hurt each of you personally. This could help with the first step, realizing there's a problem. I would do some research on it first though. You want to do this right. Ultimately it's a decision all addicts have to make for themselves. You can help show them there's a problem, and support them, but they have to want to quit.
  7. Bounty1919

    Bounty1919 Fapstronaut

  8. Kiddy

    Kiddy Fapstronaut

    @Ray Breslin
    I recommend reading Codependent No More. It might not be the ultimate solution, but it will give you a new perspective on your situation, and it might bring you some peace of mind.