How to cure oneitis?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Swagnation, Oct 1, 2018.

  1. Swagnation

    Swagnation Fapstronaut

    I have a form of oneitis where i am not all crazy about a particular girl, but about the concept of a relationship. It was way worse a couple of years ago, but i still have the feeling that i will never be truely happy until i find myself a nice girlfriend. But of course i have never had one. It is so depressing for me when i see a beautifull girl on the street and i know i will never speak to her because she is just a stranger. It also kind of motivates me tho, because i see that there are so many nice beautifull girls in this world and i am getting a relationship with one eventually, but it takes so fucking long because i don't know any girl i like at the moment. I don't like anyone at my school that i know, and i'm not at a sportsclub so i also don't have that to know girls. So i'll probably be single untill i go to college, because i won't meet new people until then. But i want a relationship so bad. Almost all my friends are of course having relationships, and its very hard for me to cope with the envy i have towards them. I know rationally that a relationship isn't everything but my heart won't believe that. Does anybody have some advice for my situation? Thanks in advance!
    havana19 likes this.
  2. Atlanticus

    Atlanticus Moderator Assistant
    NoFap Defender

    Patience. As with all of us, REBOOT first... for 100+ days. No healthy thing can come from shifting PMO addiction into ("concept-of")relationship-co-dependency before gaining inner stability. Appearances notwithstanding, HS romance is likely premature anyway; we're often better off getting through our teens by focusing on our _own_ inner development.

    Best of success!
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2018
    Hitto and Swagnation like this.
  3. Clean Plate

    Clean Plate Fapstronaut

    Another PUA fellow member haha! Look up toddvdating on youtube he seems to be cool.
  4. I do kind of struggle with oneitis. It used to be really bad but it's toned down. What I am doing right now is just being paitent and telling myself "time will come but right now is not the time." Also you stated:
    Do you use social media? If you do, I suggest logging off for a couple of weeks, seeing other people's lives threatens your happiness.
    koolpal likes this.
  5. Swagnation

    Swagnation Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice but i've already deleted social media. It was indeed very bad for me to see other people's happiness.
  6. Swagnation

    Swagnation Fapstronaut

    I know i have to do this but the thing is that i have been waiting for years now and its so hard to just wait for the right time. But i'll try
  7. Swagnation

    Swagnation Fapstronaut

    This helps but i still feel the envy then because i also see these things in real life. For example yesterday i went with my friends to a festival, and one of my friends brought his girlfriend and it really killed me inside to see them happy together. And they've been together for over a year now. They are happy for more than a year and i'm still suffering and i really can't stand that.
  8. mohamed443

    mohamed443 New Fapstronaut

  9. I know how you feel man, sadly the best I can say is keep doing what you are doing when you see the opportunity to ask a girl out. Take it.
  10. It sucks, it really does. I've been in this position and the best you can do is not to pays attention to them.
    Swagnation likes this.
  11. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Build your life and quit putting pussy/females on a pedestal. If you base your happiness dependent on a girlfriend, you'll never be happy. Happiness is your own responsibility.
    koolpal, Swagnation and sfmark12 like this.
  12. I used to have oneitits as thaey call it now back in my day they just called it a crush . Back then I didn't have something I have now self esteem and sense of self I DONT THINK ABOUT WOMEN THAT I AM NOT IN A REALTIONSHIP WITH. I have a life and if there not apart of it then I don't waste my time with what ifs .
    koolpal likes this.
  13. havana19

    havana19 Fapstronaut

    Become the kind of person you would want for a ltr. The inner vision manifests in the material world with focus and discipline. Develop and utilize the traits and behaviors that you want in a partner. Also, try to get out of your own head (ego), something we are all guilty of to some degree. When you free up space in your brain by by shrinking the ego, it makes room for another to fit there with you. Good luck!
    koolpal and Swagnation like this.
  14. Swagnation

    Swagnation Fapstronaut

    Is this usefull for getting a relationship or for curing oneitis?