How relapses happen...

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by fedex575, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. fedex575

    fedex575 New Fapstronaut

    This totally sucks.

    I got on nofap just a little less than a week ago and the going was great. Stopped feeling like a furball, got some work done at the office, was able to enjoy/focus on reading....

    I am doing the hard mode stuff because I am married. I had sex a with my wife the day before and it was great. Never had any problems with sex (although experienced delayed ejaculation a couple of times which freaked me out).

    I didn't need to be told I was an addict. I guess I knew. And discovering YBOP and were the best things that happened to me I think. It all made sense. I made a resolution and I just dropped PMO completely!

    Or at least I thought. Just yesterday, I had a minor relapse. I did P, and then of course M and O followed. But it wasn't like it used to be. First, I didn't enjoy it as much as I used to. And I didn't spend as much time as I used to. 5 minutes lated, with my counter reset, and with my shame peaking, I decided it wasn't a big deal. It was only a minor relapse. No time wasted, I got back to work and got on with my day as usual. No problem!

    Or so I thought! Today, I just had a major major relapse. Its like drowning 3 hours of my life down the toilet. What's worse, I just feel like crap physically. Morally, I feel terrible for letting myself down. Just overall lumps of disgust and shame!

    No PMO for the next 30 days at least! That's the goal now. Won't ever break my resolve. If I get tempted, I will come back and read this post.

    Even my brief nofap fight was eye opening. I did not magically acquire the power to attract women (I am not looking for that), but I can safely say I am just a happier and more lively person without PMO. One thing I learnt is PMO IS JUST NOT WORTH IT. WHAT A PIECE OF JUNK!!
    And another thing is that my triggers are so much stronger when I am alone. Next time, I get an urge, I will just exercise or take a nap.

    I read somewhere (probably this forum itself): We all must endure pain of either discipline or regret. I choose discipline!

    I hope you guys out there are stronger than me in resolve. Good Luck!
  2. GuyWhoWillStopPMOing

    GuyWhoWillStopPMOing Fapstronaut

    Don't feel so bad, fedex575. The important thing is: you were able to abstain from P from at least a week. If your next period of abstaining lasts a little longer than it, it means your force of will is stronger and your brain will start to rewire eventually.