How is everyone handling the Pandemic? How to deal with potential slip ups.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by QuiggyG, Mar 30, 2020.

  1. QuiggyG

    QuiggyG Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    It's quite unfortunate that this year has turned into one of chaos. Never did I think that something with such an impact what hinder my attempts to reboot from PMO. My question is, how are all of you handling the situation? Have you had any slip ups? If so, how do you feel about it and what is your mindset currently? For those who haven't slipped up, how have you managed to avoid the temptation of PMO?

    I personally have certainly slipped up, considering the stress that not just this pandemic has created but also university and at home life has triggered such levels of stress that I resorted back to my old ways. If anyone has tips on how to prevent another slip up in an environment where going outside is virtually impossible and where there are minuscule amount of activities to do at home. I do feel more than ever encouraged to beat this addiction once and for all, but I need to be accountable and be pushed to fight. Any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated.
  2. There's plenty of tips that most people already know, but two underrated tips which immensely helping me are:
    - change your phone's or computer wallpaper, put a wallpaper of a great character who you look up to, or maybe a photo of your loved ones, any thing that will make you reconsider your decision, at least it works as a speed bump to relapse, my phone wallpaper now is a photo of bruce lee, like I can't see bruce lee and proceed to wank
    - another tip is keep reading everyday in books which inspire you and remind you of the potential of human capabilities which you can achieve when you stay on the right track, this could be any book which you like, keep reading even if you read it before, you should reprogram your mind to better thoughts and that requires repeating, it will make your mind stronger against urges "while you're weakening the porn neural pathways, you should strengthen the other abandoned pathways, which the addiction weakend, most guys don't consider this"
    I myself daily read some pages of books like think and grow rich, and your brain on porn
    There are better books, but these two are simple and constantly remind me of why I'm doing what I'm doing and what I'm trying to achieve
    Compined with exercise and meditation, staying away from psubs, you should be good
    Bottom line is: you need INSPIRATION, aim for the best, and ultimate freedom, not just feeling healthy and good, because it's a recipe for relapsing
    You feel good and start to wonder is it really worth it?especially in those hard times
    It's hard and everything is easier said that done, but I believe we can ease it when we strengthen the right mindset and thoughts
    Hope that helps
  3. As subzero said inspiration will guide you to success, especially in this period. You have to think the better person you will be when this pandemia will end. For example, If you continue to fight, you will be able to appreciate more than ever meeting again all the loved people that you don't see for a while and hug them. You have also to keep yourself always busy and never bored doing stuff like working, exercising at home, meditating, reading, cooking or try new things like a new hobby. A tip that is helping me a lot is to strictly limit the usage of social media apps. I put only 10 min at day, so you don't have so much time to see content that leads you to P.
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