How I went from fapping daily to 91 days (and counting) of Nofap hardmode

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by bumpyhelodermatidae, Jul 19, 2020.

  1. bumpyhelodermatidae

    bumpyhelodermatidae Fapstronaut

    Did you relapse again?

    Are you about to type into Google "Nofap-how to get to 90 days"? or "why can´t I complete nofap challenge"? I did this often every time I relapsed over the past 7 years. If you are also typing this on your browser then you are asking the wrong question.

    What you ought to be asking yourself, and not google is: WHY SHOULDN`T I INDULGE IN PMO FOR THE NEXT 90 DAYS? If the answer is: so that I can walk into a club and get a few numbers or so that I can have a one-night stand or gf then you will not succeed.

    But why is that? BECAUSE THERE IS MORE TO LIFE THAN GETTING LAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS YOUR PASSION? WHAT IS YOUR LIFE`S CALLING? If you don´t know and you are a guy in your teens or 20s (as most people on this platform) it is high time you found out.

    Over the past 90 days I have realized one thing: way too many men are wasting time chasing women so that they can sleep with them, many of them have no other goal in life and many of them prioritize this search for the next one-night stand over their studies, their careers or passions. If you are anything like this, then it is about time you stopped. Yes, I know that society and culture ( movies, series, music) tell you to sleep around and watch P but it really is not in your best interest.You see the world health organization (WHO) does not clearly define porn addiction, but it does define sex addiction and clearly identifies excessive porn viewing as an offshoot of sex addiction. Many men in today´s world are sex addicts and they don´t even realize it.

    IF you are doing nofap to get laid, then realize this: your porn-addicted mind is looking for ways to substitute what it is currently missing. Nofap is the means to an an end, not an end within itself. You must use nofap to better yourself and find your life´s purpose. A hard-mode Nofap streak is something finite, it is a time in which you are focusing on sharpening your skills, just like Muhammad Ali or Manny Pacquiao do before a fight (yes they abstained from O before fights). You must have a higher purpose than O otherwise you will relapse.

    Finally, I do believe that quitting porn is the modern rite of passage: The boy or the (unfortunately) hordes of modern-day manboys put immediate pleasure ahead of long-term gratification and content. The real adult in the room understands the importance of content and long-term success over short-term pleasure. His mind has full control over his primordial instinct, he is a rational being.


    90 days ago, a was a 24 YO virgin, today I am still a 24 YO virgin. But it just does not matter. What matters more is that I became an adult, what matters more is that I found the job that I wanted, what matters more is that I am more confident, what matters more is that I sharpened my social skills (still working on this), what matters more is that I understood that I don´t have to chase women on tinder for O, because I am quite the catch. My mind controls my body and not the other way around. I am a real adult man in a world of weak manboys.

    My weekly routine ( I do suggest implementing both):

    -daily cold shower

    -weight lifting 3-4 times a week
  2. techmaverick_x

    techmaverick_x Fapstronaut

    It's so true I idolized my addiction to PMO and I thought there was no way to live without it. I realize now theres more to life when you aren't fapping all the time.
    Juggernaut WHO, ELN and MarioVargas like this.
  3. Am I A Guru

    Am I A Guru Fapstronaut

  4. Great!! excellent, at last it's more than clear that we can really get out of this fucking PMO cycle.

    Thanks for sharing!
    Juggernaut WHO likes this.
  5. justinjohn

    justinjohn Fapstronaut

    you are champion and i will be one day too inshallah i am on day 15
    Juggernaut WHO likes this.
  6. Stragler

    Stragler Fapstronaut

    Asking the right question is the most important part in solving a problem. Great work brother. Another win for the good guys!
    Juggernaut WHO likes this.
  7. ELN

    ELN Fapstronaut

    I love your text.
    Juggernaut WHO likes this.
  8. Chadillac Van Button

    Chadillac Van Button Fapstronaut

    Our dopamine levels are so out of whack we can't see anything else being gratifying. That is why once we break ties with this monster we realize there is so much joy in the small things. I say small things because if we can find joy in the small things we will certainly find joy in life's more meaningful things (e.g. building friendships, writing, reading, playing a musical instrument, traveling, etc.) Thanks for sharing. Very inspiring.
    justinjohn, obito pain and ELN like this.