How I deal with porn flashbacks

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by MyMind07, Jun 28, 2020.

  1. MyMind07

    MyMind07 Fapstronaut

    Most of the flashbacks of porn are gone. Sometimes they still come up. Sometimes I can vividly remember the images. At that point, it seems like I'm playing porn in my head. I sometimes even get erections when the flashbacks come. When they come up I name it out loud: Flashback porn, "the category", "what I see in the video", "any porn star name". I find this very helpful.

    This is so as not to entertain the flashback and get back to reality. When I entertain the flashbacks and it keeps too long in my head, I get urges and my heart-rate increases. Chemicals (dopamine) are coming free. So, to prevent relapses I have to name it out loud quickly as possible. Sometimes I was also ashamed of the flashbacks, of the porn videos I had seen: brutal, abusive, degrading, humiliation, choking, spitting etc. When I mention it out loud, I am aware of what is going on and I am no longer unconscious. Sometimes I share it with an AP, so the shame goes away.

    This helps me to weaken the power of the porn images and to be in charge of my life instead of porn doing it.

    To rewire my brain from the porn images, I will watch videos/movies on Netflix that show intimacy. I will watch love visualization. I need my brain filled with those healthy positive images, so my brain visualizes love and intimacy that I really want in my life.

    Maybe you have another tips that work for you?
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2020
  2. Watching romantic movies is a good idea to help rewire your brain for love and not purely sex. Also try family dramas that way if you want to move closer to having one.
    i will make it! and TheProcedure like this.
  3. TheProcedure

    TheProcedure Fapstronaut

    That's great @MyMind07 and well said! It's about pulling our mind out from unconsciousness to consciousness.
  4. TheProcedure

    TheProcedure Fapstronaut

    This is such a fire quote. Nice!!
  5. Adam_714

    Adam_714 Fapstronaut

    I gotta say, refraining from these flashbacks was very important for me to gain this big a streak (35.5 days as of rn). I usually got'em while on bed preparing for sleep. How did I "Disengage" myself from'em? Well, I think about things that'd make me pride in myself and then deliberately bring some humility to detach that pride from the thing e.g. I'd think about getting a full-time white-collar job and then buying my parents everything they'd wanna have and spending time with them, then I'd assess my current situation and compute the necessary actions to be taken in order for me to achieve the earlier mentioned stuff. I'm usually asleep within 5 minutes of starting to imagine that lifestyle.

    I know the above shit is confusing. Break it down into chunks if that helps. Good luck with your streak.
  6. I live with it. This is the price for having indulged in self-destructive behavior for years. It does get easier over time, but more importantly you learn how to not let it get to you.
  7. takezawa2

    takezawa2 Fapstronaut

    I'm having this issue myself now. I didn't realize how difficult the flashbacks would be in the process of recovery. Whenever I get flashbacks, my heart races, and in my mind I think about giving it all up. So what I've begun to do is - inhale, divert my mind to something peaceful, or about making myself the best person I want to be. The memories for me are faint.
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