How habits work and challenging yourself!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Healers, Nov 12, 2017.

  1. Healers

    Healers Fapstronaut

    Challenging yourself to 90 days of Nofap is no easy goal, every goal whether big or small requires commitment, patience and a right set of mind. Not all of us will be able to feel committed, patient and have the right set of mind all the time, we will have moments of feeling up and moments of feeling down. The moments where things are going up you feel as if the whole world is at the palm of your hand. You feel as if nothing can stop or harm you. You feel as if death isn’t a big problem. The moments where you feel down changes everything, that’s where you feel like you’re carrying the world and its burdens on your shoulders while climbing a freezing mountain. Every step you take only exhausts you more and you feel the weight of every problem. You try everything to relieve you from this painful experience. We all want an easy way out. The difference between a successful and a failure person is that a successful has failed more times than the failure has tried. A successful person has tried many methods to achieve the goal he has in mind. The moments of where you feel up or down are like days. Life consists of two days, one for you and one against you, so when it’s for you don’t be proud or reckless (don’t tease yourself and look at an image and think it won’t affect you), and when it’s against you be patient for both days are a test.

    Some people have tried to challenge themselves and only lasted a few days, some people have challenged themselves and went weeks and months. The challenge might not be for everyone. Some people no doubt will fail. For certain people if they can’t seem to handle 90 days and think it is a too far journey then the next best challenge within those 90 days is to challenge themselves to Fap not 90 times in the 90 days, but fap 45 times in those 90 days. The point is to get yourself back up as fast as you can! Keep putting it in your head that the challenge is always there as long as you set your mind into it! I advise you that if you do decide to fap then quickly get it over with, do not indulge in porn, tease and edge yourself through it then fap. The more you fall into the trap then the longer it will take for your brain to rewire yourself. Challenging yourself is like a ladder. Every day you decide not to fap takes you one step up the ladder, the moment you fap brings you a few steps down only! But if you decide to watch porn, tease and edge yourself then this will cause an imbalance and throw you down a flight of steps you worked hard climbing on. This does not mean you should give up! Your mission is to keep fighting the temptations even if it does throw you off your cycle! The more you indulge in your previous habits the faster you’ll end up falling off the ladder and landing on the ground!

    That being said it is wise to remember this; is it really worth fapping after putting in so much effort and energy on trying not to fap? Will fapping take you one step closer to your goal or one step away from your goal? In reality there is more to life than just fapping, and that is your goals! The more you focus on the goals you have put for yourselves the more your mind will be distracted and find pleasures in different areas in life! Every time your mind directs your thoughts to fapping where urges will increase, that is the time to take control of your mind and remind yourself what your goals are and what you have to focus on (activities, studies, self-development and more)! This is exactly where BREAKING THE CYCLE happens. This is the reason why Nofap takes months and not days to rewire the brain. Imagine if it would take your brain one day to rewire, then everyone would indulge in PMO and break the cycle in one day. Nevertheless, this is not how the brain works. The science to our brains are designed intelligently to work with habits. If you learnt to drive a car and have been driving it for months or years then you don’t have to start remembering the small details such as turning the key engine, checking the mirror, seeing the fuel tank if its empty or not. Only in the beginning we train ourselves to check it. The more you do it the more the brain goes in automatic mode to dealing with these small tasks. This links back to why we have to BREAK THE CYCLE when we get the thoughts to fap. The more you train the mind to focus on something else other than fapping when the urges kick in or when the urges are not there, the less you will have to deal with it in the future hence why it becomes easier week after week!

    Keep fighting the urges and remember the goal you set yourselves! The moment you reach the peak of the stormy mountain that is when you will see the sun shine like it has never shined before! The days are passing by fast and you can succeed, you will succeed!
    Ali_naqvi09 and Newlers like this.
  2. Newlers

    Newlers Fapstronaut

    Great post, really motivating. Now i need to set more goals as so far I have just one, to have a better relationship with my wife, a worthy one but some days I will need more will power.
    Healers likes this.
  3. Healers

    Healers Fapstronaut

    Yup! It won't be easy but it will definitely be worth it! Update us with how it goes!
    Just come back to nofap site before it goes downhill and you can hit the panic button
    Newlers likes this.