How do you exactly cure PIED?

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by skaterdrew, Nov 28, 2019.

  1. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Does the amount of time you're away from PMO not really count for shit if you eventually end up relapsing or even worse binging?

    Is the only way to cure PIED getting one very long streak of No PMO at all? Or if you're always making progress and improving will this cure PIED?

    See some guys on this contradict them self. On the one hand they say you must get one very long streak of No PMO to cure PIED. But then on the other hand they say it is a constant battle, but always try to make sure you're improving.

    It almost comes across like if you have hardly PMOed for an entire month and then end up binging on PMO for an entire day at the end of the month that the previous month you hardly PMOed at all doesn't mean shit because you ended up binging on PMO at the end of the month?
  2. MrT3650

    MrT3650 Fapstronaut

    In some ways yes, a relapse sets you back. It's like reinjuring a wound that's almost healed, it's going to take more time but the more you take care of the injury it will heal eventually. PIED as you know means you have rewired your brain to artificial stimulous so a long reboot is necessary however you may need to rewire with an actual woman to help cure it. Also if you go on a binge it will set you back a lot. You're already sexual exhausted and recovering from addiction so spending one day busting 5 nuts will drain you and hindering recovery.
  3. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    What a lot of people on this site miss is that after a long, well-done reboot, the brain's sexual reward centers are very flexible, and crave for sexual stimulation. Whatever stimulates you sexually will take a strong foothold in your mind. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to engage in positive sexual behaviors to fill up that hole of sexual desire; not doing so makes it easier and easier for porn to sneak back into your life.

    Here is what YBOP says about this:

    Do I have to have sex in order to rewire?

    To get rid of PIED and porn addiction, you must first clear your mind of porn, but then replace it with positive sexual behaviors. Not doing so keeps you always at risk for relapsing. However, if you go back to porn after having plenty of sex, the porn seems so much less arousing, and finds a much harder time making a foothold in your brain
    Deleted Account and Cash to Quit like this.
  4. Cash to Quit

    Cash to Quit Fapstronaut

    mannnnnnn this is gem! Thank you for writing it. Now I realize that after a long streak I need to have meaningful sex with my wife in order to rewire my brain.
    modernstore99 likes this.
  5. aniseprakash

    aniseprakash Fapstronaut

    Wow the exact answer I was looking for. Thank you brother