How do I fast properly?

For Fapstronauts of the Catholic Christian Faith

  1. Jonas 2:10

    Jonas 2:10 Fapstronaut

    How do I do it? What are the limits of eating? In past I have tried fasting two times. On the first occasion I havent eat anything (only drank tea with honey) for 5 days and on the second occasion I havent eat for 3 days. Now I want to try it again but I have doubts if I am doing it properly, because after two days you dont really feel hunger. If I eat small breakfeast every morning I get hungry everyday and then I feel like I am doing sacrifice. Its the same thing with kneeling on the floor when praying and not on pillow.
  2. Deus_Vult

    Deus_Vult New Fapstronaut

    Typically canon law only requires you to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, from 18-60 years of age, however canon rules still apply when fasting on other days. When you fast you can have essentially one meal and 2 small meals or snacks that when added together don't constitute a meal on its own. If you want you can go stricter by eating only bread and water. However it's advisable to put your health before fasting if necessary as otherwise it goes against God's will. You can read a more detailed article of abstinence and fasting rules by Googling "catholic abstinence and fasting".
    Hermenegildo likes this.
  3. Jonas 2:10

    Jonas 2:10 Fapstronaut

    Thank you. Going to look it up!