How damaging is social media images of attractive women?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by skaterdrew, Nov 23, 2019.

  1. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    I am just wondering how damaging these images of attractive women on social media are?

    The other day I ended up on this social media page that was a page of all these young attractive women from the uk. They were all completely beautiful. But I was very triggered by this. It actually lead me to masturbating going on one image after the other and I was imagining all these sexual scenarios in my head. But I did ejaculate quite quickly, like within 5 minutes.

    I'm not sure if it was simply because the women in these images were completely stunning, or if it was the novelty aspect that was turning me on so much, or both? Like what I was thinking is surely if one of these women was in front of me in real life wanting to do these sexual acts I was imagining then I would be just as turned on from that. But it is difficult to tell.

    It was crazy how I was triggered the other day. I seen one image of this complete hottie and I was turned on instantly and began clicking through loads of the images on that social media page.

    My friend who actually has a girlfriend and gets laid regularly was actually flicking through loads of images of hotties on social media on his phone one time when I was with him, and I mentioned to him about issues with porn and all this stuff, and he held the phone up to me showing me the images and said any guy that doesn't think that's hot must be gay.

    But I just don't understand how someone like my friend who gets laid regularly who clearly has no problem having sex, but yet he also looks through all these images of these hotties on social media and also masturbates to them.
  2. deepspace

    deepspace Fapstronaut

    You answered your own question when you said it triggered you. It doesn't matter if something isn't strictly pornography when you are using it like pornography. If it gets you so aroused that you're losing control, then it's best avoided. Everyone is different.

    For me, seeing social media girls fully clothed has never been exciting, so it's not a problem for me. But because it's not exciting, I don't have much reason to look at them anyways. On the other hand, if I see an ad for women's yoga clothing with a barefoot hottie doing stretches, that's going to get me going, so obviously I need to be careful when I'm reading sites about health and wellness etc.

    Everyone's poison is different.
  3. This guy is right.
  4. It's quite healthy for men to be attracted to beautiful women. And that's nothing to he ashamed about. Masturbating becomes a problem when it interferes with your daily life and your goals. I'm a married man and I still masturbated quite often (my NoFap goals are slightly different from most in this forum). As long as your desire is to want to ejaculate inside a woman instead of a napkin or your hand.
  5. Arnuld

    Arnuld Fapstronaut

    I’d stay off that aspect of social media. Like you said it’s filled with triggers and it is best to avoid it.
  6. SickJonas

    SickJonas Fapstronaut

    It's like gateway porn to me. I still have social media but only for communication with friends. I can't use it anymore for the reasons you mentioned.