Hoping to go again

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by KS1994, Nov 24, 2017.

  1. KS1994

    KS1994 Fapstronaut

    I joined Nofap 18 months ago. And one time I was able to go 30 days pmo free. It was a good time.

    Afterwards I had a lot of bad things happen through my life. I discovered (without going into much detail) how a physical abnormality I had made natural sex excruciatingly painful. I gained an anxiety condition related to my autism. Autism will never be treatable in my lifetime but I lost my anxiety over time. Lost anxiety, my father was diagnosed with brain cancer. Gained depression, had to drop my study-load. My army application was rejected after a long, arduous process. Became suicidal.

    I decided to cancel my social media after a period of being an alt-right troll. Nothing too extreme, just against reverse-racists, socialists and extreme feminists, it wasn't worth the aggravation. I was depressed with daily lifestyle which included masturbating 3 times a day. This changed when I saw a news story about the phenomena of "woman-spreading". It made me angry, seeing that society was attacking men over trivial bullshit, blaming us for the decline of society and oppression. But I realized something, men are oppressing themselves. Through forces like materialism, pornography and what I like to term sexual nihilism. We are taught by society to be sex-obsessed and it is destroying us.

    I hope to go pmo free, help others here and work to turn my life around.
  2. You sounds like a man beginning to wake up... congratulations and welcome.
  3. Crash95

    Crash95 Fapstronaut

    I wish you good luck on your journey. If you need any advise just feel free to ask. We are here to help each other