Hi People

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by RonTheBear, Aug 2, 2016.

  1. RonTheBear

    RonTheBear Fapstronaut

    I'm joining the nofap community as a means of better equipping myself for a journey that I've been on for about 8 months now.

    I've struggled with PMO since I was 14 or so, and until about 8 months ago I had never reached out for help to anyone. I'm almost 29 now. I've "tried" lots of times on my own to just stop doing it, but my efforts were futile for the most part. My isn't so much with PMO controlling my life, or eating up all my time, it's more that for my own mental/sexual/spiritual health, I don't want it to be part of my life at all. And despite my best efforts PMO seems to pop compulsively at least once per week on average. Sometimes I'll go a few weeks without, but I still get compulsions periodically, that are extremely hard to resist and I find myself "resetting" to put it in NoFap terms way too often.

    As I mentioned I reached out about 8 months ago, and I now have a friend that I talk to about the situation who holds me accountable, but I still haven't been able to kick the PMO habit in it's entirety, so I thought that I would benefit from a group like this that has a ton of collective experience, as well as a proven way to put a method to the madness. Plus who doesn't like games :)
  2. MadHatter

    MadHatter Fapstronaut

    Sounds like you are already in the right mindset. Good for you!
    I hope you achieve your goals!
  3. RonTheBear

    RonTheBear Fapstronaut

    Thanks man, I really want to do this and I'm hoping the extra support I get here will be the catalyst to make it happen!