Hi Guys!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Kiol, May 12, 2018.

  1. Kiol

    Kiol New Fapstronaut

    Name's Marcus. I'm 19 years old and live a pretty normal and healthy lifestyle, outside side of... well, you know..

    I guess I'd like to start off by saying that I've tried to stop my cycle of PMO multiple times over the past year.

    I never really expected that watching pornography would affect me negatively, since I was "educated" that porn wouldn't be like real life relationships. I thought that I could tell the difference and I was fine. That is, until I had my first chance at losing my virginity. I am no longer a virgin, but I am a bit ashamed to say that I've never actually orgasmed through vaginal intercourse. Over the six opportunities for me to do so, I had not felt the same as when I go solo. It was not only extremely embarrassing and dissappointing, but made me feel like I was in this surreal and cruel comedy.

    It seems that maybe my style and frequency of masturbation made me less sensetive? I was lucky enough to find a girl who was understanding of my situation, but still.

    My choice to use this website was completely spontaneous, but I' really hoping that this helps me with my urges and thoughts.
    David6 likes this.
  2. David6

    David6 New Fapstronaut

    Hi, I'm new here too! I think this forum really helps, because there are people "free" even from months...! So I know it's possible!