Hey NoFap

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Deleted Account, Apr 15, 2018.

  1. Hey NoFap.

    I’m not new here but I’ll get right to it. I’ve been trying to quit for over two years.

    Since discovering NoFap in February 2016, I have made some good progress. I even made it to day 90 back in July 2017.

    At that time, I felt like I would never have to deal with porn again. But, while on vacation in Europe, I relapsed.

    Since then, I have made many ill-attempts at quitting porn.

    Recently, I had a really bad relapse that plunged me into darkness.

    I decided that enough is enough. I need to quit porn. I’m sick of this!

    So, I decided to take up NoFap and conquer PMO once and for all.

    This has been something I wanted to do for a while now. It’s time for me to finally declare victory.
    byeoldfriend likes this.
  2. Welcome back. You can do it!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Hey @The_Rising_Rebooter ,

    I'm just a normal ordinary member. No moderator super powers and no special insite. I share my ESH (Experience, Strength and Hope) of what works for me.

    Just another warm welcome and a heart felt hello. This community has helped me so much.

    What worked for me was "working" it. It took hard work for me to complete a hard reboot (No pmo) for 120 days, then move into a Sex Positive mode.

    First, reading the literature published by NoFap itself along with reading journals.

    Then, doing the work. Writing in my journal and replying to introductions and other's journals.

    Finally, but not least, getting involved with the fellowship. I found it on the forums, but also in people's profiles. The forums tend to be longer posts, where the profiles tend to be more "conversational".

    That is what has worked for me. I like to remind myself that this community was here waiting for me with the lights on when I arrived. Now, I have to do my best to be there when someone comes to the community.


    One of the ways I got involved with the fellowship was by reading some really great journals. Reading other's stories with their victories and even defeats is a big part of my program.

    Here are just a few journals to start with, you'll find more I'm sure:

    @Tomoya Okazaki - https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/143534/
    @Fortitudo - https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/144228/
    @Dragonnlife - https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/136148/
    @weddingnails - https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/155372/


    I've found that the bricks that hold this community together are cemented with the support of the members of the fellowship.

    @Rising Sun !!
    @Ready to be healthy

    So, if you would have found more profiles yourself, why suggest these particular ones as a start? Those relationships started with just saying hello. So, my ESH is that saying hello has kept the fellowship alive for myself.

    Looking forward to your success and in seeing you say hello on these profiles,

    --> L
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Thank you, I will take a look at them.
    Deleted Account likes this.