Hey all!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by K.C_Cage, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. K.C_Cage

    K.C_Cage Fapstronaut

    Howdy all, I'm a newbie here. I just discovered this site today by accident and I love it already.

    I've been addicted to masturbation for 6 years, and my longest streak is 27 days. Recently I went for 20 days, but I relapsed last week and broke that streak. Then I relapsed again yesterday, resetting me after a mere 8 days. But I will push forward, and I am actively learning from these relapses, so it isn't for nothing. :)

    I'm happy to be here to help others in their journey and for others to help me in mine... that is why we are all here, right? :)
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2016
  2. Enigmatic

    Enigmatic Fapstronaut
