heroin addict motivates me

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Jodo Kus, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. Jodo Kus

    Jodo Kus Fapstronaut

    Porn addiction and related issues are often compared with other addictions in this forum. Sometimes it's depicted as if a porn addiction would be as severe or even more severe than an addiction to a hard substance like alcohol or opiates.
    I oppose that opinion. It's obvious that a porn addiction, even if tenacious, isn't severe: no severe physical side effects, no severe physical withdrawal symptoms.

    As for heroin addiction, think of the many vicious side effects that have nothing to do with the actual substance and then the social dimension. When you think of an addict who's living on the street and is called a "JUNKy", it's quite clear that that person isn't able to help him- or herself anymore.

    But I do think that understanding our own addiction helps us understanding addiction in general better.

    I have friends who defeated drug addictions and (as far as I know) one friend who's still addicted to drugs. But I don't know anyone who's addicted to heroin.
    Recently I've watched a documentary about heroin, though. And one of the portrayed addicts in recovery programms - Johnny - moved me: he was so deep in the shit and yet so determined to never give up. (He attained a program). For him every other day he takes heroin could mean death. And every relapse coud mean an overdose.

    When I think at Johnny, my own problems appear very little. I must stay clean, I must endure the pathetic little pains of my withdrawal. I don't know how to explain it fully and I don't know if I'm selfish, but it must be possible for Johnny and it must be possible for me (to recover)!
  2. I agree that narcotics and even alcohol will damage the body if abused at length. Heroin especially. In that sense, yes, those are far more dangerous addictions. Porn addiction, on the other hand, although damaging to the reward circuitry in our brains, does not have serious physical consequences. The danger is psychological, and the effects on those around us are very real. When throwing PIED into the mix, the inability to connect with real people, the deceptive coping mechanisms we develop, the pervasive abuse within the industry itself, and so much more, pornography is a slowly developing cancer to society. Heroin addiction could be compared to a plague whose effects are obvious and immediate. Which is more dangerous? A plague that kills and affects a large amount of people, but is recognized as a problem by everyone where society is actively fighting it. Or a non-recognized cancer that is creeping through every corner of our society, and is not recognized as an issue and even has proponents actively fighting against cures and solutions. I honestly don't know the answer to my own question. An argument can be made for both, but I for one cannot underestimate the real power and danger of porn addiction. It's something that can cause lasting damage not only to the addict but to the people in his/her life. It can be a gateway to acting out in illegal, even more harmful ways. There are repercussions that I'm sure we are barely beginning to understand the scope of.

    I believe whatever motivates you to stay clean is useful. Understanding how our addictions work and constantly educating ourselves is critical. I learn something new all the time, and that knowledge is empowering. I struggle with fantasy as a trigger to porn (as probably all of us do), and I read an excellent post here that made me think differently about it and has given me another tool in my fight. However, I suppose the point of what I'm trying to say is be careful in downplaying the severity of porn addiction. I've lost decades in my own life to it, years I will never get back. My consequences are psychological, and I have no serious medical condition from my addiction, but just because there are no outward physical symptoms of the addiction doesn't mean it is any more or less severe.
  3. Never touched heroin thank God already take enough drugs to have me wanting to quit them.