Here we go

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Jon82, Sep 1, 2016.

  1. Jon82

    Jon82 Fapstronaut

    Ermm Hi,

    Feel a bit like a kid standing at the front of the class doing introductions on his first day of school! Ah well here goes, I'm 34yrs old and was single for a good chunk of my adult life. During that time I was a regular porn user until around 6 years ago when I met my now wife. At the time I never considered porn to be a problem but always felt pretty ashamed / low about using it. I would try to quit and go cold turkey but would never manage more than 2 weeks before relapsing.

    Since meeting and marrying my now wife I've used a lot less but still would dabble in the background. I would go through periods of trying to give up but would never manage long, the habit was too embeded. This came to a head about a year ago when my wife found out about it. She was devastated.

    It's been a bit of a journey since then. Initially it was like a massive weight had been lifted off my shoulders and I went for a long streak without any relapse. Just the knowledge that someone knew blew this wide open but it did nothing to look at root causes or repair the damage to both my relationship and myself (intimacy issues, disconnection from the world etc). To start with I didn't even know these things were linked, I didn't see connections.

    My massively supportive wife did. She did the full research mode thing and learnt about things whilst I steadfastly held to a belief that will power alone would beat this addiction and nothing else was wrong with me. Its took time for me to come round and after reading and participating in counselling, online programs and forums I'm finally seeing the bigger picture and recognise I need to be more proactive in my recovery.

    So here I am, bring on the challenges!
  2. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the forum and sharing your story. Many married men have things in common with you. What started off as a adolescent curiosity turned into an addiction somewhere along the way without us even knowing it. We mistakenly thought our problem would go away once we got married. We incorrectly thought it was a sexual problem when instead addiction is an emotional problem.

    Addicts seek to alter their moods by using porn. We go into 'the trance' or 'autopilot mode' when we watch porn. Parts of our brain shut off that controls higher thinking and decision making. We feel pain-free in the trance, but once we come out of it we feel twice as worse. Addicts cannot pull themselves out of the trance by willpower alone.

    You also correctly deduce that abstinence alone does not address the root causes of our addiction. Waking up from our porn-coma takes time and you are finally waking up.... congratulations!
    Atomiccafe and Jon82 like this.