Here is my Long Confession. Advice welcome, especially anyone with Depression/OCD/Anxiety/Guilt

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by certainnobody2046, May 27, 2017.

  1. For the past year and a half I've been trying to push through NoFap off and on with my longest streak 28 days. For the past month I had a 14 day streak and I was hit with overwhelming guilt/anxiety and I gave into my urges. I'm currently on Day 13 and the past 3 days have been absolute hell for me, not in the sense that I feel the need to "fap" but me dealing with some suicidal thoughts.

    Now before I go ahead, I'm going to try and keep as little melodrama as possible and try not speak in so much hyperbole.

    I'm going to assume that I started masturbating around the age of 12 - 14, I honestly have no idea when I started but it was somewhere in between there. I did it a lot and I don't remember ever really being addicted to porn, just pure masturbation. I was an extremely overweight kid who was manipulative, whiny, and spoiled and I blamed everybody else for my problems. A lot of that lasted until I turned 27 and I'll be 29 very soon. My grandfather passed away about a year and a half ago and that's the moment that I feel like self-awareness really decided to show itself to me and it made me question the type of man I am and the type of man I want to be. Coupled along with meeting the woman of my dreams and the only person I've ever truly wanted to spend my life with. I would like to mention that I suffer from a Binge Eating disorder and addiction does run in my family, so the dopamine rush thing I completely get.

    I dated a great girl for five years but I rushed into that relationship at such a young age because in my mind I thought that being in a relationship was the only thing that could make me happy. I lost a ton of weight, met a great girl who was in another relationship with another guy and in my sadness/infatuation with her I tried to just find a pretty girl to date because I thought that would solve my problems. I was wrong on so many levels, because you truly have to find yourself and make yourself happy instead of depending on other people to give you true happiness. I was an awful boyfriend to her in the sense that I lied all of the time about my feelings about things, I wasn't man enough to stick up for myself, and I was very inadequate in the bedroom which led me to being angry. We were in a long distance relationship for 5 years and she and I probably had sex only 10 - 15 times and I was so insecure with myself because I couldn't properly perform. I think that came from my over excessive masturbation or so that's what I surmise.

    She and I finally broke up, in fact it was a pleasant break up and she and I have no problems with one another so if anyone tells you there is no such thing as a mutual break-up, I can attest that there is. But I digress my grandfather passing away made me start viewing myself in a completely different light, it's almost like this new man awoke in my body and saw this stupid immature "POS" that I was and my guilt started to eat me alive. That's been going on now for about a year and a half and some days are so much worse than others. When I feel my self-worth is at stake it makes me feel ten times worse.

    Getting back to the reason I feel so much shame and guilt is over the porn that I have viewed in my time. I can honestly live with knowing that I've watched Gay Porn or transgendered person Porn because I know I'm not sincerely attracted to men. But the shame I feel comes from the fact that up until I was probably 25 I would masturbate to teenage girls. I'm ashamed and embarrassed to even be admitting this on a forum, but the guilt is destroying me even though it's been years. The thing I masturbated to the most were sex scenes in movies or homemade porn because it's not as gratuitous or fake to me. But there were times when I would sit there and watch things like Gay Porn, transgendered person Porn, and I would search for pictures of Teen Nudist. I never downloaded anything illegal, I know that much for sure but that's no excuse for my actions. I don't care that it was a few years ago now because the fact that I was doing it into my mid-20's shows you the screwed up mind I have. I don't know why I couldn't have just actually felt guilt then and now it makes me think that I'm this horrific monster and maybe I am and I deserve this guilt that I'm feeling now. I always convinced myself that it was just me looking at taboo because it was wrong, but what if it wasn't.

    In real life I'm very much in love with an older woman who is genuinely the greatest person I've ever met in my life, she's as beautiful inside as she is outside. I've always been attracted to older woman my whole life, so why did I have to do this disgusting and evil thing? Again I would just use my thoughts that I wasn't attracted to them actually because it was the same thing as watching Gay Porn or transgendered person Porn, which when I've relapsed I've watched them but I haven't searched for those other images in years. But I just can't let the guilt go and it's eating me up. I never considered myself to have a porn addiction because I can masturbate just fine without it, so then I start to think that maybe I'm just a sick freak because I'm not actually addicted to porn. But then I realize that there were times when I would masturbate 4-5 times a day and I don't think that's normal.

    I know that I need to talk to a psychologist, but I'm terrified to tell them these things. I'm terrified to be writing it on a forum that is dedicated to people who suffer from addictions to these things. But I'm at the point that I welcome judgement and I feel like I should be locked away. I've posted these things on forums that deal with subjects like OCD or Anxiety and the people on there think that I have "Real Event" OCD. But maybe I'm just using that as an excuse. I just wanted to come somewhere and confess everything because I want to show everyone that this is what your impure thoughts will do to you. I'm so worried that everyone who thinks I'm a good guy will actually find out that I'm some sick sexual deviant and I will be shamed and won't be able to live your life. Please step away from the porn and live your life the best way possible and meet someone who will blow your mind away. Someone that you realize is what every story you've ever heard/seen/read refers to as a soulmate. When you find that person be the best you that you can be. I'm sorry for everyone I make uncomfortable with this post, I just needed somewhere to let all of this out.

    I know that this message is all over the place, but I just need some advice/opinions/help from everyone. Thank you for taking the time to read it if you did.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2017
  2. CSLewis_YBOP

    CSLewis_YBOP Fapstronaut

    I know all about shame, guilt and regret RE pmo. I also think the OCD is making this a bit worse for you. I know OCD has made it more difficult for me to move forward.

    I think as long as you stayed legal, then it's something that you file away with the gay and trans stuff -- none of it is the real you. It's hard to accept that we've viewed things not in line with our morals or true desires, but the past has happened and all we have now is the present. And apparently 'teen' is one of the most popular pron searches according to studies. So -- not saying it's ok -- but, you're far from alone in that. More men would probably do it except for the social shaming.

    Gary Wilson of Your Brain on Porn says shame reinforces the neural pathways, so be careful dwelling on your shame and guilt too much or your brain may lead you back to engaging in the very same behaviour you so clearly despise.

    The best thing you can do is ensure you eliminate all pmo FOREVER and become the best man you can be, despite your circumstances. You have that choice.
    Bel likes this.
  3. Bel

    Bel Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    At least you are recognizing this on your own. Does your SO have any idea about all of it? If not maybe broaching the subject with her might help. Trust and believe it's a lot better to be told about the f ups then to have to keep discovering them on your own after believing and living the lies. Finding a good therapist will probably help alleviate that extra burden and having an unbiased ear listen can only help in my mind. I don't know much about the ocd side of things but I can definitely see where that would seriously hinder progress.
    Good luck and I hope you find the strength and conviction you need.
  4. Why wouldn't a guy in his 20s be attracted to teenage girls. He made it clear that he didn't watch anything illegal, so they would have been 18 or 19. I don't understand the guilt over this. It is legal, natural and normal to be attracted to teen sex.
  5. IGY the things I searched for where "Teen Nudist" on google images, I'm 99% sure that some of them weren't of a legal age and you see other pictures when you search for nudist. I'm not advocating what I did, in fact I'm condemning it because it's not in line with what I like. I could go from watching Sex Scenes from a movie, to watching gay porn, to look up those images. That's how I was, it's no excuse and I'm sick at myself for doing it. I posted this on here to be judged because it's what I deserve. I wanted to come someplace where I thought maybe people had been going through the same thing.
  6. To Bel, I'm a single man. The woman I'm talking about is a friend who I fell in love with. I see it as my punishment for the sins of my past and it's why I feel like I'll never be able to be with someone. I don't deserve someone as good as her because of how I used to be.

    To CSLewis, Trust me I will never look at those pictures again. I stopped looking at them a long time ago, before NoFap even. I don't understand why it took me so long to realize how sick and twisted I was because I know I'm not attracted to young girls like that.
  7. Rog

    Rog Fapstronaut

    Hmm not gonna lie, that was painful to read. But not because you're a terrible messed up person or whatever other nonsense of which you've wrongfully convinced yourself. It sounds like you've come a long way, and yet you're still freaking out over mistakes past. I'll suggest three things.

    First, I'd try to root out the inconsistency going on in your mind between thinking you're terrible and your fear of telling others all the terrible things you've done. If you condemn yourself so harshly, why not embrace the humiliation? You seem to think you deserve punishment, after all. This isn't a criticism: the vast majority of people with guilt problems, including myself, suffer(ed) from this mini-hypocrisy. Try to decide why you do. The answer might be unpleasant (although it might not be), but I think accepting said answer will be a relief in the long run.

    Second, try to keep your mind off yourself. And I really mean just go all robot/zombie/spirit-walking shaman if you have to, like you're not even self-conscious. Aristotle would yell at me for this but, what can I say, the neurons that fire when you see yourself in the (literal or figurative) mirror need to go on vacation. Whatever you do, do it not because you want you asked yourself, "Hmm, do I want to do this?" Just do it for whatever predetermined reason you gave yourself. "Because I have to." "Because my girlfriend said so." "Because it's healthy."

    And finally--and do this because I said so, if for no other reason--visit the forums regularly. Doesn't have to be frequent: just regular. Read a few success stories. Encourage one or two people who aren't doing so great. Become a part of the community.

    That all being said, best of luck, stay strong, and, as the preachiest of all the Fapstronauts, I welcome you to our little corner of the Internet.
    CSLewis_YBOP likes this.
  8. Well, there is no point coming to this community to be judged because you won't be. This is a community of empathic people with common issues, looking to support one another.

    Web sites are supposed to show people of 18+. As for legal age, well that varies a lot, depending where you live. Here in the UK the minimum legal age for marriage is 16 for straight and gay partnerships. I still cannot see what you did wrong.
  9. It's the simple fact that it goes against my moral code and that I actively searched for things on google images like that and there were things that popped up. I saw someone with a similar story on here and that's why I finally decided to post here. I've lived my whole life with this mindset that I'm a "good guy" and I believed in things like true love, one soulmate for everyone, etc. Then it wasn't until around two years ago that I saw myself for who I used to be and I've made attempts to make myself a better person. I'm going to sound like I have a giant ego, but the way it is now I'm an older guy who's around a bunch of younger guys who look up to me, in my workplace, and other great people in my life that see me as the person I am now and they don't understand that I have these dark secrets. If they ever found out about them I don't know how I would react. I know we're not supposed to care what others think, but unfortunately my mind doesn't work that way and I get that. I say I welcome judgement because I have no one to blame for my actions but myself.
  10. Thank you for saying that and I will, just for the fact that I want people to understand what past guilt can do to someone. I fear telling others because then it's out there I guess. I live in the south and it terrifies me of what people will think of me, plus my closest friends are women. They have been the biggest contribution to my change in attitude. I guess that does make me a hypocrite and I will probably tell them someday, I'm just not ready.
  11. CSLewis_YBOP

    CSLewis_YBOP Fapstronaut

    The thing is, unless you feel the need to tell your friends about the trans and gay stuff, I don't know why you need to tell them about this issue. IOW, if you need to get it all out, tell them the whole deal about your pmo problems. I get it that this issue is the aspect that bothers you the most, but it's just one of several genres you found yourself viewing that did not reflect your true sexuality when you were caught up in your pmo addiction.

    I've been going through a period of opening up to some people close to me about my pmo struggles, and even detailing some of the stuff that most bothers me, but at a certain point, I realize that everyone doesn't need to know everything. You can be sure that most people are not telling you their deepest, darkest secrets.

    Yes, some sharing is definitely cathartic, as I've experienced lately (keeping it all in has been harmful, as I needed to get outside perspective), but to tell every single thing to people about yourself that bothers you? Perhaps only to God and ask for forgiveness.

    This is an area I've been working through myself in seeking the right balance.
  12. I see, I understand where you're coming from now. It sounds like something you need to explore with a priest or imam.
    In view of what you said about your moral code, needing to be judged and punished. I offer the same suggestion again. ^
  13. I plan on setting up an appointment with a psychologist on Tuesday to talk to them. The way OCD works, and again I may not have it and I may just be using it as an excuse, is that me searching for these things and asking about whether or not it's OCD is just a compulsion and won't let me feel relief in the long run because there's always going to be one minuscule detail that's off and I won't be able to accept it. I think everyone who has posted on here and talked to me and again if anyone has any OCD/Anxiety tips for the next few days, then please just let me know. Thank you for taking the time to welcome me and talk to me, I hope I didn't offend anyone.
  14. CSLewis_YBOP

    CSLewis_YBOP Fapstronaut

    I have never been diagnosed with OCD, but I have never sought treatment. However, I do know that I compulsively seek information and replay scenarios in my mind to make sure everything lines up exactly right. For instance, I used to view genres not in line with my true desires and then I would search if it's normal for men to find such and such attractive, in order to make myself feel less "off."

    I also have been replaying certain scenarios from my past to ensure that I was in the right, but as you say there's always a minuscule detail that nags away at you.

    Trust me, I'm in the throes of this OCD/shame/guilt despair myself. I'm trying to figure out how best to navigate it as I go.
  15. Keep hanging strong brother and I'll be sure to let you know how everything goes whenever I'm finally able to start talking to someone. It's like I can be fine for days, weeks, a month or two at a time and it's just the most overwhelming feeling I've ever had. What OCD does it take that morally gray area and puts it into black/white and since porn isn't really considered a "good" thing, you know which side it's truly classified. The way it works for me is that say I go somewhere and post this same message about my problems and ten people respond. 9 people can sit there and tell me that I'm not the monster I think I am, etc. etc. etc. but 1 person may say something negative or give their true opinion and it'll be the one I focus on the most. I don't know how much you've searched for it CS but I would recommend reading more about "Real-Event" OCD, it's helped me but then again it's a minor fix. I have much bigger problems that need to be addressed and anytime you feel the need to talk about it or whatever just message me and I'll help you if I can.
  16. Rog

    Rog Fapstronaut

    It's too late in the evening for me to get caught up on the conversation up to this point, so I'll just throw in one last hopefully-not-too-asynchronous word. You don't have to tell anyone anything (although I would highly suggest at least telling a counselor). It's your choice to tell your friends, and it should be based on the specifics of your situation, including how you feel about telling them and how they would feel about you telling them. I alluded to my own hypocrisy. Personally, I'm a hypocrite because I feel like a terrible person for acting against my moral code, and yet I don't want to tell others because I'm prideful and want their respect, even though--at least with respect to this part of my life--I don't deserve it. In short, no matter how much I hate myself at times, I still don't want to suffer, because I don't really hate myself. If you really are a masochist, well, I guess I can't tell you not to tell anyone else, but I suspect that you're not quite as masochistic as you feel. We all have that little drama queen inside us, and I'm an autistic mathematician who didn't even cry at the end of Old Yeller. I just think you need to critique your own feelings. Why do you really feel terrible? What are you really afraid of? What do you really think you deserve? These are questions that take a long time to answer. I won't pretend to have found all mine, and I don't think 29 is such a terrible age to start finding yours.

    "Just a word," he said. "Not too asynchronous," he said. Pssh. Psych. (Sorry. >_<)
  17. CSLewis_YBOP

    CSLewis_YBOP Fapstronaut

    Was not familiar with Real Event OCD, but just searched it and found this:

    I have been plagued deeply by this exact thing all year:

    "Like with other OCD themes, sufferers of this theme are their own worst enemies. Although the obsessions (thoughts that the sufferer did wrong) can be fleeting and last only seconds, sufferers can spend hours and hours ruminating on the subject. They can perform other compulsions, such as searching the Internet for stories of people who similarly screwed up, searching to find out what truly bad people do as a way of comparison, seeking reassurance and confessing."
    Their advice:

    "On the behavioral side, it is important that sufferers identify the compulsions they perform and work to resist them. No doubt ruminating is a big one with this theme. Refusal to confess past transgressions is essential, as is stopping searching on the Internet for similar stories."
    CertainNobody -- thanks for the PM offer; I may take you up on that. Yes, please report back how therapy is working. Only thing I would say, is that you should make it clear you only viewed legal stuff, what with mandatory reporting laws and so forth.

  18. I'm definitely prideful and I absolutely care about what others think of me, especially the people closest in my life. I want to be seen as a good person and I guess that at the same time I feel like I don't deserve to be because of the immense guilt. I'm probably the epitome of a walking contradiction. Like you said, it's late and I hope I'm not coming off like I'm arguing with you. In fact I love you bringing up questions like this, the thing that terrifies me the most is thinking that the person I love the most in this world could ever think of me as a horrible human being. I feel terrible, I think, because I realize that I haven't been the person that deserves someone like that up until maybe a year ago and the guilt is weighing me down. I love thought provoking questions and questioning who I am, thank you Rog.
  19. I will do that, I'm hoping this person I'm going to see will know how to properly treat OCD with CBT and who knows, maybe I'll discover that I don't actually have it but I'm hoping more than anything that I do because I don't know how to deal with myself if I don't. Sorry for being melodramatic.
  20. Thank you for being brave and sharing your experience. It is strikingly similar to my own experience in many ways. I started masturbating from a young age too and found porn between 14 and 15 years old when we had the internet for the first time. I'm 33 now and my worst period of porn consumption was in my mid 20's after my mother passed away and then shortly after my grandfather. I never viewed gay or transgendered person porn, but I'll admit I got to the point where I would search for teens like you did. For me the problem didn't stop there as I also had a cocaine addiction which went together with the porn viewing. My habit took me to very dark places and without going into too much detail, I ended up being arrested because of some of the content I looked at. I will tell you now that it is no fun being a sex offender, in the eyes of the public you are seen as below scum. Although I have to agree that being arrested was also the catalyst for me seeking out proper help, so in a way, it was the best worst thing that could have happened, else i'd still be a cocaine addict viewing porn today and most likely would be dead from a cardiac arrest by now. I've been over 2 years clean and sober from alcohol, cannabis, cocaine and porn. I've learned to hate porn of all kinds irrespective of the content, obviously the illegal kind is worse, but the legal stuff can be just as bad because of the ideas and narratives it feeds us about how to treat women or men not to mention the links between sex trafficking and pornography. My advice to you my friend is you should stop at all costs, if you have begun to veer off the course of legality and are entering realms which you may convince yourself are 'grey areas' then you are treading a very dangerous path and it's important that you recognise the consequences. It's good that you are reaching out now and help is available and it is possible to stop, heck if I can do it anyone can do it. I still feel guilt, remorse, shame, fear on a daily basis but I always remember that it would be 10 times worse should I go back to how it used to be. I've come too far now to turn back and for me what keeps me going is trying to help people like you and sharing my own experience. There is nothing for you to gain with online pornography because all it does it take away. Love, real relationships with another person is what sex is meant for because it's that sacred bond between two people and the ultimate sign of trust and intimacy. Our sex powers are precious, procreation is part of who we are as humans, best to share yourself with another and not to let lust turn into greed, that is where many fall short.
    m0vingf0rward and CSLewis_YBOP like this.