Here I am!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by SapperSeven, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. SapperSeven

    SapperSeven New Fapstronaut

    Hello all, I am a 36 year old veteran, who has suffered from ED for about 8 years now. I have been to doctors and tried everything under the sun to fix my issue, which pretty much caused me a marriage.

    Up until the age of 28 or so, I never experienced any issues sexually. Not that I was a stud, but being stationed in Germany (where girls will screw you just for being American) and being very physically active in the military I just never had issues with women or sex. I got married at 25 and left the military. After getting out of the military I really let myself go physically and began work at a stressful job. My sex drive and performance really began to decline. By age 30 i was divorced and extremely depressed and felt like I was no longer a man because the main reason I think my divorce failed was because of our sex life.

    Since then I have literally tried everything. I lost around 50 lbs and started working out a lot, didn't seem to help much. I visited a therapist for some PTSD issues having to do with Iraq War, etc, which didn't help. I finally went to the doctor recently and uncomfortably confronted my doctor with my issue. The doctor did some blood tests, which all came back normal, and basically just prescribed me ED pills. I have used some over the counter pills previously that worked as a short term solution in order to "get by" with sex with women.

    While researching some ED forums groups and things of that nature, I decided to give reddit a try (never really been a redditor). I came across the /r/nofap and realized that this may be my exact problem. Up until I was married I never had a computer or access to porn of any kind. Sure, I masturbated, but usually using my own imagination, etc. The entire theory sounds not only interesting, but true in my case. I think I have damaged my entire outlook on sex, women and desire by using internet porn, sometimes 3 times a day.

    So here I am, I am going to try this process and God willing it will finally cure my most self depreciating ailment, wish me luck!
  2. taqwa

    taqwa Fapstronaut

    SapperSeven likes this.
  3. SapperSeven

    SapperSeven New Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys! Already feels like a supportive and helpful place.