Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Jul 24, 2018.

  1. Hi guys,

    I am on NoFap for about 2 months from now on and I relapsed about 7 times till now. (Counting as a relapse because I want to do a hardmode. And these relapses were with sex no masturbation and porn.)

    Anyways, my longest streak is 14 days which I experienced the most of the benefits in this period. All this confidence, non-anxious life style, deeper voice, looking people in the eye, continously developing myself kind of things happened in this period of time which I felt like a beast.

    Now I am on day 6 doing hard mode and I am super determined doing it. Because I miss that me on that 14 day streak.

    Now I feel really anxious, lack of motivation, willpower, and low energy most of the time. I think it is because most of the things does not go well with my life. I got fired from my work last year(govermental issue). Probably will break up with my gf. Can not find a job in my country easily etc. etc. I was hoping that NoFap benefits would help me get motivated again but I think I am flatlining because of these things in my life.

    Guys It is a hard situation to be anxious and depressed all the time but I think I will give my best and I am giving actually. Still going to gym every other day and taking cold showers, trying to speak and text to my friends and go out with them. Trying to learn a programming language etc etc. but I still feel empty and anxious inside.

    Hope I will get over with this.

    Just wanted to share.

    Have a nice day guys.
  2. I feel ya man. That's about where I am. I felt great at the 2 week mark for another week or so and have crashed within the past week or so. I feel like crap. I have been without P&M for around a month. Not hard mode though, I am married but sucesss has been a but hit and miss.

    I try to stay busy, but with small things since my energy and focus is jacked right now. Try some outdoor activity, a walk, exercise, hit the gym. Do some hard work or cleaning around the house. Things you can accomplish and feel good doing. Anything is good where you can redirect that negative energy.

    This flat line is a nasty thing. I have had cycles of it the past year or so since I cut back on PMO. Even before I found NoFap, I was trying to stop. I haven't been keeping good track, but I am somewhere around day 30 give or take with no P&M.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Your already doing all the right things, you’re just in a bit of a slump right now...and honestly the first 7-10days are the hardest so keep going! Your doing great.
    Your mind will probably be in a shifting pendulum play until the porn leeches out of your brain.
    Keep redirecting that negative energy- beating this stuff, it takes time and rigorous tenacity.
  4. I hope you solve all your problems soon...

    Best wishes
    Deleted Account likes this.