Help needed. Stuck in a cycle of relapsing every other day

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by MSTie, Feb 14, 2017.

  1. MSTie

    MSTie Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    I probably don't frequent this place as often as I ought to. I'm going to try be more of a presence around here in future.

    Thread title pretty much explains it. I've had decent streaks in the past. But lately I'm stuck in this rut where I find myself relapsing in pretty catastrophic fashion every other day. I don't know what it is. When that day 2 urge hits I always seem to give in -- so much so that has almost become habitual... as though unconsciously my brain says: "Oh, it's day 2. Guess I'll cave." A couple of negative factors: once I'm home, I'm alone with Internet access; the only things I tend to do to unwind are stream movies, or do online quizzes, which places me only one click away from relapse. Sometimes I read but not often enough.

    Can anyone give me some advice on habit-breaking or maybe positive habit-forming, and how I can overcome this problem?

    All the best
  2. JayX

    JayX Fapstronaut

    Im not the best advisor but Ill give it a try: firstly dont worry you are not alone! I have been stuck in a similar loop for quite a while and it took a lot of willpower and patience to achieve the day I am currently in( day 64). The way I managed to achieve it, is by working out daily( doing push ups or pull ups) and also staying away from my room, as this is usually where i fap so everytime Im in there, my brain sais "fap,fap,fap". I started to manage it but its still a problem. Also try and stay away from everything that gives you the urges( your phone in that case) in general. If you need any other questions Ill be here! Good luck!
  3. stewie19

    stewie19 Fapstronaut

    block your porn, that helped me tremendously, i couldn't even make it to day 3, there's a software called k9 protection, what you need to do is download it, block your porn with a password you know you'll forget and that's it. its not gonna stop you 100% but it will make it very hard for you to get access to porn.
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