Hello NoFap World

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Gormex, Dec 23, 2016.

  1. Gormex

    Gormex Guest

    I`m a 30 yo guy from Europe. I`m an addict to porn and an avid online dater living in my moms basement. On day 6 of my first ever reboot...

    I`m living on welfare in my country. Using a lot of time looking at dating profiles and masturbating every night to porn before bed. I got anxiety, get depressed easy. Have PTSD and i have a very short temper. Feeling like a looser and struggle to pursue my real life dreams and ambitions. So after watching a lot of videos on Youtube and reading on Reddit i`ve realized that I`m an addict. To porn, masturbation and silly dating. I`m also gay and on these dating sites there is always a lot of sexual images.So i spend a lot of time looking at these sites and "date" these guys on the other side of the world. it`s a vicious cycle...

    I don`t want to live this life anymore. It`s time to take NoFap seriously after researching all the facts on the benefits of a reboot. My goals are:

    • Get more confident in myself
    • Work out to improve my health and self image
    • Less anxious
    • Travel to more places out of my comfort zone
    • Be more productive in my biggest interest that can lead to business in the long run
    • Be more positive
    • Get in the "right" relationship with passion. Not just pixels and pretty guys online.
    So i got a lot to work on. I will try this to improve my life even though it is scary.... But i know i need to change and the first step is to realize that i`m an addict. Hello :)
  2. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and not judge you.
  3. Gormex

    Gormex Guest

    Thank you D.J I need this right now
    D . J . likes this.
  4. Gautama

    Gautama Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap Gormex

    You have come to the right place for help and support. Can I suggest that you start a journal in the 30 - 39 section. Write down your thoughts, feelings and difficulties and you will be surprised how many others will have similar issues to you own. The trick is to never lose faith and if you relapse don't beat yourself up over it, just start again. Some people use a counter or log their own days down when they post.

    Good luck
    D . J . likes this.
  5. Gormex

    Gormex Guest

    Thanks :)

    Yes i plan do make a journal. I did not masturbate since last saturday and yesterday i committed myself to do this since i was 5 days in anyways.
    D . J . likes this.
  6. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Congratulations on your progress!
  7. Gormex

    Gormex Guest

    Thanks. Today has been hard actually. i wrote a journal and explaining my addiction too. i feel a bit better to write my feelings for my addiction. been using a lot of time in the forums today but i`m focused and need to stay motivated.
    D . J . likes this.
  8. Hey there!

    Hey man, welcome to the community! I myself have barley joined as well. I wish you the best of luck on completing your goals! I'll be sure on keeping up with you to give you that needed support! If you ever need anything I'm here for you!
    Gormex and D . J . like this.
  9. Youness

    Youness Fapstronaut

    Always available
    Gormex likes this.
  10. Gormex

    Gormex Guest

    Thank you guys. Struggle right now. Getting erections left and right tonight. Not watching p but I get urges. Afraid to slip up
  11. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Don't agree with your temptations!
    How do you typically deal with urges?
  12. Gormex

    Gormex Guest

    If it was before nofap I would watch porn of course
  13. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Take a cold shower. That may help or step outside to shock your system and change your focus.
  14. Gormex

    Gormex Guest

    I'm not taking a cold shower right now..think I'm getting sick. Got a sore throat. It's really cold outside too. Watching motivation videos on yt now instead. Will try the cold shower another time
  15. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    I'm not a cold shower person myself but many guys swear by them.
  16. Gormex

    Gormex Guest

    I will try it when I feel better. Not just because of the urges but getting out of the comfort zone too. I need to expand it
    D . J . likes this.