Hello no faping community I'm new here

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Anti-faper, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. Anti-faper

    Anti-faper Fapstronaut

    Hello no fapping community how are you today I am happy the joined this site I am also happy to see that everyone here is doing their part to help other people not play with themselves. My name is anti-faper and I've been fapping ever since high school well near the end of my high school year and I've been fapping ever since however, I also wanted to stop looking at porn and fapping as well. I joined many dating/adult social networking sites some of which I'm still joined but haven't gone back to I made my decision to stop when I saw a five part video called ex-porn star tells the truth about porn industry it was then that I wanted to free myself from looking at pornographic material but I didn't know how I was going to do it. A few months ago I saw a comment link to a PDF I read about some people who had the same problem as me. However, unlike me I don't have a social life of any kind but I hope that can actually change I read about a guy that didn't watch any pornographic or play with himself for six months then I thought to myself may be I can do that so on the second or third week of June I watched/looked at my final pornographic material and around 12 midnight I started my hiatus. There were some ups and downs and a few sideways but I've managed to hold it down and I'll be done on the second or third week of December. And don't worry I've already started a a journal about it I'll put some excerpts on here when the time comes.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2015
    Foxtrot12 and funkycedars like this.
  2. funkycedars

    funkycedars Fapstronaut

    welcome and congratulations on your success since June.

    look forward to the bits of your journal when you decide to share.

    take care,
  3. Foxtrot12

    Foxtrot12 Fapstronaut

    Great work mate, look forward to hearing more of ur story
  4. Anti-faper

    Anti-faper Fapstronaut

    Their just excerpts not the full story that comes after my hiatus is complete.
    Foxtrot12 likes this.
  5. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    Good luck, I wish you all the best!
  6. Anti-faper

    Anti-faper Fapstronaut

    Thank you. Same to you too.