Hello everyone

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by ichabodcr, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. ichabodcr

    ichabodcr Fapstronaut

    Hi guys,

    Just a quick introduction, I don't want to bore you to death.

    I'm 36 year old, in a stable relationship.

    Only a few weeks ago I've started to realize that my use of porn and sexchats was not healthy.

    I always believed masturbation on its own is not a problem, but I guess I've let things slip a bit too far with stimulation based on sexchats and porn.

    Thinking back I realized that things got on the "addiction" side when I was going through a difficult time with my girlfriend, and also being in the process of moving from my country of origin to hers.

    I'm still struggling with integration in a new country, but things are good with my girl now. I feel a strong urge to improve my attitude towards life, and just three days of total abstinence from PMO make me feel pretty different and more open to life already.

    The desire for porn, sexchat and masturbation is kinda muffled but always there. I believe I can do this.