Hello All

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by literally thousands of bees, Dec 5, 2018.

  1. First time Fapstronaut here.
    I'm a 24 year old male, a doctoral student in a prestigious program for my discipline.

    I'm not really sure what I should say here. Well, through my consistent porn consumption for several years, along with my major clinical depression, my sex drive with my long term girlfriend is gone.
    I have been able to abstain from watching porn for fairly extended periods of time, which curbs my desire to masturbate, but it does not seem to bring back my libido for my girlfriend.
    However I should note that I often still feel sexual urges towards others (men and women alike actually, though I would consider myself primarily heterosexual), and I hate to admit that I have sometimes acted on those impulses. Further, as I assume many can relate to, I have found myself aroused by more and more extreme porn as the years have gone on. I worry that I will not recover from this.

    I am under enormous stress all the time, and with my severe depression I have not had the greatest couple years. But I have recently started to really take the reins back and take control of my life again. I think that nofap will help me on my recovery journey.

    I don't know if this is too much information for an intro post, but I figured I would get it all out there.
  2. Relax man. Your story
    is similar to hundreds of us on here. I made it on my first streak to 92 days and then had to reboot. We are all here to support and encourage each other. Keep talking.
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