Headaches From Quitting Porn?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by classicalguitarmonk23, Jul 10, 2016.

  1. classicalguitarmonk23

    classicalguitarmonk23 Fapstronaut

    I'm not sure if Porn withdrawal or rebooting is causing it, but after quitting porn (Including avoiding any sexual stimulation or fantasizing) I am experiencing a headache. It feels like a bubble of pressure that is on my right side of my head. It has been 3 days with experiencing it. Does anyone have anything similar happening? I'm guessing my brain is rewiring or something.
  2. ReadyToStop

    ReadyToStop Fapstronaut

    Slightly, but only for a short time. I wouldn't be surprised depending on how heavy your PMO habit was. Your circulatory system is heavy involved here in dopamine & pleasure delivery. Don't get worried about it though. Take an Aleve.
  3. It's never a good idea to get info about your health problems online. It's probably nothing but just see a doctor to be safe.
    Tom175 likes this.
  4. classicalguitarmonk23

    classicalguitarmonk23 Fapstronaut

    Thanks, well I was curious if anyone else had something like it. Yes, it is a bad idea to rely on web information. Usually it always scare people into thinking they have something. I'm sure it will go away in a day or so.
  5. nitsuj0786

    nitsuj0786 Fapstronaut

    I have had a headache from time to time while fighting the addiction, if usually goes away after a day or two. It could be your brain freaking out that you aren't getting your dopamine fix so it is trying to send signals to get it.
  6. IGY

    IGY Guest

    If it is still there, I would suggest a visit to the doctor today. It may be a withdrawal symptom, but there are so many reasons why a headache can occur. Any headaches I have head have been less specific than you are describing, so it would be prudent to get it checked out.
  7. TrueHuman

    TrueHuman Fapstronaut

  8. MMAWingChunDude

    MMAWingChunDude Fapstronaut

    I have been having this happen after quitting porn. no joke, i tested my theory that withdrawal was causing it when i had not fapped for 2 days. it seriously will cause this, and you may feel jittery and people may say you look pissed off. also you may feel anxious. thats the main thing you will notice. tough it out, you will feel better soon.
    porsche4life likes this.
  9. Waiver169

    Waiver169 New Fapstronaut

    I have a headache at the back of my head almost 2 weeks now. Visited the Doctor just to rule out any other issues and as I suspected, clean bill of health from the medical standpoint. I am convinced it's a nofap headache and hope it goes away soon. Funny enough in August Sept when I did my first run of Nofap for 2 months I didn't have the headaches. Relapsed most of Oct and Nov, then tried again thru December and the head ache started immediately.
    Fascinating how my brain is responding to this issue.
  10. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

    During my first reboot I had horrible withdrawal headaches. I really think the first time you reboot is more like a purge.
  11. I'm having them for the past couple days. Not so much a headache, but more like tension in the center of my forehead right between the eyebrows. Sort of feels like I'm straining even when I'm relaxed with my eyes closed.
  12. tokuchi

    tokuchi Fapstronaut

    Usually happens around day 15 or 16 for me.
  13. Abetterbrain

    Abetterbrain Fapstronaut

    Yes. After about day 2-3 I get a constant pulsating pressure in my brain.