Handling urges the world champion's way

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by suyash_4376, Mar 28, 2015.

  1. suyash_4376

    suyash_4376 Fapstronaut

    Ok, I first I will lay out my methodology for dealing with urges. Here it is -

    First let's imagine I see a trigger. It may or may not be sexual in nature. So, this is how I deal with it. First, I take a deep breath and imagine all of the negative energy inside me gather. Then, I exhale it all out. And I feel neutral. If I feel I need more energy/motivation, I just take in another deep inhalation and imagine being revitalized by the nature's energy around me.

    So, how does it sound?? A little hard. Impossible, perhaps. Or something along the lines that it won't work?

    The thing with developed techniques and tricks is that while they may appear magical or mystical, they are structured in a very simple way. With time, it becomes something personal, or a trade-secret. The key is developing your own trigger for tapping into a higher consciousness/power. World class performers and champions use such triggers to get into flow because they can't rely on emotions for their performance that day.

    If you see it that way, our situation is not so different. We also can't rely on our emotions for our recoveries. That is why there are days when we perform good(deal with urges easily) and dark days(on which we can't control ourselves). Mark Queppet has also said that recovery can't be sustained on an emotion.

    So, if you build such a trigger that is strong and works every time, you will be better off on your recovery if you possess such a trigger.

    Now, on how to develop it.

    WARNING: This is not a quick fix. It takes a large amount of time to develop. Minimum a month. If you want it to be strong enough, then give it 3 months time at the least.

    We tend to associate the outcome of our actions to our actions. This is how we got addicted. But, there is another side of this as well. If you associated the feeling of calm or concentration from an activity, when you do the activity, a same sense of calm/concentration can be triggered.

    But, here is the interesting part. You can actually start compressing the behaviour and it will yield the same results. But, the compression needs to be gradual.

    Now, I show how I created my method.

    " I started meditating. While reading some articles about meditating, I came across this video.

    In my meditation sessions I got more and more ruded in this philosophy. Then, during the normal day, I realized that if I followed my breath in moments of urges, I could actually follow my breath and tap into a meditative sense of non-resistance. Slowly but surely, I compressed this method so that I could actually tap into that sense of calm and clarity with two deep breaths.

    I am planning of creating 2 or 3 same triggers utilizing my ability to play music and read books.

    Let me know what you think of it. Try it with a single behaviour for 1 month at least. Let it be internalized inside you.

    Rfapstronaut likes this.
  2. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    Hey suyash_4376

    Thank you for this Post Man! Its nice!

    yes we need ne develop our own Relaxing methods...or I'd like to call Emergency Plan of Action, when we are in the moment, being attached by Urges. Any one can be Strong when things are going on Smoothly, but it is during the time when we cannot seem to shun away the urges, at that time, we need to have some plan.

    And yours seems to be a Good one. People underestimate the level of calmness one gets by taking a nice long breath!

    I will try to remember your technique when I'm in the moment next time. Thanks for sharing.
  3. suyash_4376

    suyash_4376 Fapstronaut

    Work on developing the method outside of urges. And when it integrates in your mind. You can use it when it develops in the moment of urges....
  4. Thanatos

    Thanatos Fapstronaut

    Hmm... some very good points in this. Thanks for the share!!
    I think I've unconciously been creating my own thing to rely on outside of emotions, breathing would probably be a good thing to add to it.