Guy's Opinion on Girls?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Jae, Aug 26, 2015.

  1. Jae

    Jae Fapstronaut

    Honest opinion. No sugar coating, or telling me what I want to hear.

    A girl who's not a mute, or shy. But she's quiet.

    Automatic turnoff? Are girls who are loud and outgoing more attractive than the laidback, quiet ones? Are you more likely to approach the girl who gestures boldly and smiles outright at you, or the girl who smiles sweetly at you?
    AlltheRageBackHome likes this.
  2. Will definitely be watching this thread!

    Those who know me around here, know that I love discussing these sort of topics.

    Definitely not a turn off. It is more common for women to want an outgoing guy than it is for guys to want an outgoing woman. Guys are nowhere near as fussy as girls when it comes to that sort of thing.

    I'd go as far as saying that most men do not even care if a woman is introverted or extroverted. We just want a woman of whom we can get along with, and usually someone who is open sexually and not physically reserved. I think most guys do prefer quieter women, because many of us fear that loud women (attention seekers) are not loyal and will probably end up cheating. We like the homely girl who will stay in with us and just laze about with us. We like laid back women.

    Personally, I prefer introverted women, because that is more of my own personality. I like women who are open emotionally and like to talk about their feelings. I'm not talking about how they feel about me, I just like to hear a woman talk about their feelings on all sorts of topics. I like a woman who is emotionally deep and has depth to her. I find it incredibly attractive when a woman is able to be vulnerable with feelings and isn't ashamed to express how she feels. It's the same reason I cannot stand women who are cold and emotionless. I need a soul connection with a woman.

    I'm not into women who feel that they need to go out every Friday to a bar. My opinion is that, this sort of lifestyle is very superficial and many people engage in this lifestyle to escape themselves and their own emotions. This is also why I'm not even sure how much I buy into the whole "introvert" "extrovert" theory.
    My feelings are, that you're either trying to escape an emotion or you're not. Once we connect with ourselves, and truly become one with ourselves, we wont need all of these external things such as social media and partying to make us feel happy. We will realise that we already have everything we need.

    So yes, I like quiet women, because, why wouldn't I? Society have created all this bull shit about being loud so that everyone notices you. It's all non sense. Once we get rid of our emotional addictions, we wont have the need to even want to be noticed by others, because we'll love ourselves enough to not have such insecurities any more. Loud women turn me off, because I feel a lot of that type of behaviour is fake.

    There are unhealed emotions which cause people to become "attention seekers" in the first place.

    I'd love to say more, but I must get to bed. I'm sure others will chime in, which will allow me to bounce off of others and say more tomorrow (later today).

    I hope that helped you so far.
    Headspace and Jae like this.
  3. atak

    atak Fapstronaut

    Depends on the guy and what his expectations are of a potential partner. I like a girl who can be both. I'm naturally introverted but I can also be extroverted. A girl who is only extroverted wouldn't be a good match for me.
  4. TetraVaal

    TetraVaal Fapstronaut

    I'm a quiet guy myself. I would say a quiet girl would be perfect for me. We talk when we need to and spend time together when we want to, but we have our own space and our own inner life as well. Energy is a limited resources and I found that, in general, loud and outgoing people have the tendency to drain my energy pretty quickly.
    AlltheRageBackHome likes this.
  5. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I'm really not that fussy... :rolleyes: If she's interesting enough to have a conversation with, I'm in! haha :p
  6. Temujin

    Temujin Guest

    I think it all comes down to personal tastes. There will be people who like quiet girls and those that like loud girls.

    I'm a bit of an introvert and I generally find quiet girls more attractive. I appreciate calm so tend to find loud people a bit irritating.
    NoBrainer likes this.
  7. Icyweb

    Icyweb Fapstronaut

    I may feel more attracted to an outgoing girl at first, but I quickly discover that I don't really like her that much, and normally prefer spending time with a more laid back girl.
    The loud outgoing girls are more likely to receive more attention at first, but there are plenty of guys who prefer spending time with quite girls too. I think that the best way to build a relationship with someone is to start as friends/part of a group, and build the relationship from there. It's in those kind of situations where quite people can be 'seen' better too.
    An important thing for introverted people to remember, is that the extroverts have feelings and thoughts too. Introverts are drained by interacting with other people, extroverts are charged by it. Both can enjoy being social as much as the other. It's all about finding the right match, person to person, when it comes to relationships. It's about more than just personality types.
  8. You want the truth? It depends on how hot you are. Quiet girls who are even remotely attractive are getting laid. If you're not attractive, you should be taking more of the initiative. My biggest turn-on is a beautiful woman who's just minding her own business and not making a spectacle of herself. I fantasize HARD. Kind of like when you get a song stuck in your head. I start to daydream and eventually obsess over that woman. Girls who are less pretty have to compete with these blindingly hot women by improving other areas like personality or fitness.

    Most of my co-workers are female, with ages ranging from 19 to 60. Some of them are hot, nubile girls with healthy sex lives and others are older women with sex lives that have plateaued, so to speak. I'm attracted to almost all my fellow employees, but for different reasons. I mean, who doesn't like a hot college-aged chick? But most guys here know that girls that are pretty also tend to be more selective and their personalities reflect that. So as a man, I still need validation from the opposite sex. And sometimes those less attractive women are perfect for that.
  9. Not at all to start an argument here, but why do you need "validation" from the opposite sex? You don't.

    As men, we need to start being self sufficient and confident within ourselves. Do things for yourself, and not because you think it will attract a woman.

    Too many guys begin to shape their lives around women, and ultimately it drives them away. Do you, live your life and chase your dreams. When you have this sort of mindset, getting a girlfriend is easy.
    Limeaid likes this.
  10. Pixelated Victory

    Pixelated Victory Fapstronaut

    I like outgoing and quiet girls. Looks are mostly everything for me in terms of just "liking" a girl but there is a lot more to be said about committing to her.
  11. Newme95

    Newme95 Guest

    I prefer quiet girls.most of the quiet girls usually show more feminine characteristics that I enjoy like kindness,generosity ....But every girl is different.Be yourself(not the fap or other substances/thing addicted self,the true one).
  12. Zin

    Zin Fapstronaut

    I love girls. The quiet ones and loud ones. I would approach either.

    I try not to overthink.
    Headspace, Newme95 and NoBrainer like this.
  13. Zerg Prosecutor

    Zerg Prosecutor Fapstronaut

    For me it would be much easier to approach a girl like you because I won't feel that need to go in a Me+ mode which means that I don't feel that I'm enough and I would put on a false persona which pretends to be more confident, funnier, more aggressive and louder in order to match that girls emotional frequency.
  14. Quiet girls can come off as giving the cold shoulder and most guys feel that she won't be interested and respect that, I don't think anyone really likes a loud obnoxious girl. The best thing to do is just give off some sort of cue of availability, I've noticed that women think that giving signs to a guy would scare him less than actually making it clear to him that she likes him. Guys are generally easier than girls. From my perspective if I was playing the field which Im not doing at the moment, I don't want my time wasted, so a quiet girl might be overlooked if she isn't as receptive to me in a way that indicates she's available even if ahe might very well be a perfect match.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2015
    JustADude and Jae like this.
  15. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    Same for me. In the past I wanted to have a woman who shares certain interests of myself, now I don't care for that anymore. It's all about the chemistry, the feeling of connection, really.

    According to C.G. Jung, no one is either introverted or extraverted only. Take a look at this, if you're interested:
    The Myers-Briggs type-indicator is based on that work by Jung. It's a psychological questionnaire which associates your personality with one of sixteen types (consisting of four characteristics with two values each). It is strongly based on the presumption that each personality type has the same right to exist and is necessary for a functioning society the same way. You can take it online here, for example:
  16. SolidCroft

    SolidCroft Fapstronaut

    It's ok to be quiet as long as you can tell me what you want. For me when a woman leaves all simple decisions up to me make me feel i'm dating a child. I'm just one guy there is no one way to be a woman.
  17. JustADude

    JustADude Fapstronaut

    as you can see from all of these posts. many men like quiet girls. i'd like to add to what @Zein Hamad said.

    being quiet can be interpreted by men as disinterested. for example, if you liked a guy, and were more quiet around him because you were nervous, that guy might think you don't like him. guys benefit greatly from girls dropping hints about their attraction. a simple smile from across the room usually works for me. some guys might find a smile to be too subtle (especially younger guys), so you might have to be more direct.
    Zen Meister and SkyDoge like this.
  18. SkyDoge

    SkyDoge Fapstronaut

    Relationships work better with complementary styles. I am a laid back nerd who plays d&d so I'm getting married to a laid back nerd who plays d&d. My sister is goofy but classy, she fell in love with a guy who is goofy but classy. My boss is a cheerful loud woman who enjoys cycling so she is married to a cheerful loud man who enjoys cycling. My fiance's friend is very quiet and introverted and she lives with her boyfriend who is very quiet and introverted. I have a friend who is eccentric with curly hair and enjoys Disney movies and Muppets. He moved in with his girlfriend who is eccentric with curly hair and enjoys Disney movies and Muppets.

    Just find someone who complements you well. :)
    ThatOneGuy56 likes this.
  19. Shyness is a turnoff for me but that's not the same thing as being an introvert. Confidence is an attractive quality regardless of gender.
    Zen Meister likes this.
  20. When I find something strange about her, she automatically becomes very attractive to me.
    SkyDoge likes this.