Got to beat this addictive cycle

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by BerkeleyGuy, Dec 2, 2015.

  1. BerkeleyGuy

    BerkeleyGuy Fapstronaut

    Hi guys and girls. Had 4 days then got a "massage". This then got me into the chaser effect. It's real. I binged on PMO last night till 4am then for another few hour midday. Feel shitty. I'm turning over my computers and iPad to a friend this evening. I'll still have the iPhone and need to figure out a way to safe guard it. I need some distance from these devices to accrue sober days. Have you done this? Blocks on iPhone?
    Andyst343 likes this.
  2. RaidedTemple

    RaidedTemple Fapstronaut

    It's a good idea to stay away from devices than can contribute to a relapse. But do not use it as scapegoat, thinking when it's gone you'll be alright. You know your problem isn't these devices but your weak will. Don't give into PMO because of a lit up screen.

    I have no P blocker on my PC because I want my will to be stronger than this addiction and not because I am incapable of getting it. There's always gonna be a liquor store on the corner for ex-alcoholics, Always gonna be strip clubs for the repentant. Yes I know not everyone can do that and that some persons addiction is stronger than others. When I feel bored I take my time and do something meaningful. I login to CodeCademy and learn how to code. I'm not a programmer or developer but I wish to be. Take up things that can remove your mind off it. Trust yourself enough.

    In your case, you succumbed to a trigger. It happens to the best of us my friend but you need to realize it's not the devices but your weak will. Read up on SolidStance weak will thread and learn then put into practice.
    Gladiatori likes this.
  3. DogDaysOfLife

    DogDaysOfLife Fapstronaut

    The iPhone has some built-in restrictions, and there are some "safe" browsers you can download like iCab, or filters like K9. I don't have an iPhone, so I don't know the specifics. I just searched this site for discussion of iPhones. Web filters and such are not an absolute substitute for self-control, but they're an aid. My view is that if I put some mental distance between myself and the porn and make it inconvenient for me to remove those blocks, then abstaining will be easier.
  4. Gladiatori

    Gladiatori Fapstronaut

    @RaidedTemple Agree on weak will as the cause. However, when the will is weak then the trigger must be avoided at all costs until the will is built back up. Nay?
    RaidedTemple and Macabre like this.
  5. Macabre

    Macabre Fapstronaut

    You need to learn to discipline yourself. Giving your electronics away is moving in the right direction, but what will you do when the flashbacks occur? Or when you see a cute girl out in public? You need to learn to redirect your thoughts.
  6. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    deleting porno helps a lot. i deleted all the porno yesterday night. on my mobile i've put wall paper of a dumb bell. that's inspiring.
    maybe even u should put a picture on the ipad of something that inspires u. like bike, guitar, gym equipment, novel, hammock, boat, animal, forest, mountain, sea...
    Gladiatori likes this.
  7. RaidedTemple

    RaidedTemple Fapstronaut

    @Gladiatori I agree on that my friend but do you build will by not exercising it through sheer willpower?
  8. Gladiatori

    Gladiatori Fapstronaut

    @RaidedTemple Sure you do. But cutting of temptations when you know you aren't strong enough is fine. The way I see it is that if you are weak willed then you can possibly defeat something so overpowering till you have developed it through other means. It is also quite possible that we are always going to be vulnerable to certain triggers. It would be best to avoid things that have such a grip on us.
  9. Andyst343

    Andyst343 Fapstronaut

    Know the feeling, done the same thing at week end, felt shit next day.. have to get back on track, stay strong..
  10. bananaCat

    bananaCat Fapstronaut

    On your iphone go to:

    Settings --> General --> Restrictions

    And turn the restrictions on for Safari and any other app you use to look st porn.

    You will need to set up a four digit passcode, and need to input it twice, which means you will remember it if you set it up yourself. My suggestion is to have your friend set it up for you and keep the code a secret.

    Good luck my friend! Wanting to change is the biggest step, and you're already making it happen.