Google Search Knowing Everything About You

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Apr 13, 2018.

  1. Hey all,

    A while back I made my NoFap account using my full name. Recently I discovered whenever anybody searches my full name they will find my lovely profile pic of an orc in front of a computer and an instant click to my NoFap account.

    This terrified me... but why should it? Why should we be afraid to have others know that we take it upon ourselves to forego porn, get away from excessive masturbation, and try to better ourselves? An hour ago I was thinking about all the ways I could remove this from Google's images, and was panicking at how long I thought it may be before the picture gets taken down. I even began to consider deleting my account entirely.

    Now I feel different; I do not care if somebody stumbles upon my journey away from porn and other things that detract from my health, in fact I embrace it. So with that, my name is Eric (Narsqui) D., and I will not shy away from something that has helped me so much. It's time to be myself, and it's time to show those that wish my strengths, and my weaknesses.
  2. You are brave. I definitely don't want my real name linked to this site. But good on you!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. My only thought is I dont want a potential employer connecting the dots. Thats why I dont do social media. Plus I also like touching on other topics which arent always socially acceptable.
  4. Yeah, employers search your name. Depending on the type of person the employer is they might think it's a good thing you're a part of this site, but some might think it's a bad thing. Interestingly if someone were to search my name they wouldn't see my Facebook page. For all the criticism they're getting at least they give you the option of removing your page from Google.
  5. I had the same thought, but honestly, if I was an employer and saw that my employee had taken it upon himself to be more productive and willing to give up and addiction, I would be inclined to look more into that prospective hire. But I understand the worry.

    Also, the orc picture is unsettling without context.
  6. The thing is people are different. Like an employer who has a negative experience with a PA might view you in a negative way. But I'm pretty sure they'd be some who would view it positively. What makes a recruiter employ someone is odd. I was talking to a manager and he told me sometimes, even though he interviewed some good candids, he wouldn't hire anyone because he didn't feel like it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. TenderCrisp

    TenderCrisp Fapstronaut

    It's fine if you don't care anymore. But in general, making ANY account on the internet with your full name (yes, even Facebook), is a display of very poor and careless use of the internet. Any child should learn to always use an alias or abbreviation of some sort. The amount of people who give out their address, e-mail addies and phone numbers (thanks to those new instagram business account features) as well as their full names, school names / occupation and hometowns is just shocking. I'm proud to say that no one can find out anything about me online by looking up my name on Google. Firstly, because I never use my real / full name anywhere, and secondly, because someone mildly famous has the same name and would always come up first on Google, even if I had a Facebook account etc. Of course only until I master NoFap and become even more famous and successful and maybe leak my name ;) :p.
  8. Yeah they at least have some good options in Facebook, nobody is going to find me on there at all and even if they somehow do, everything of mine is private anyways. lol
    Deleted Account likes this.